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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great time during the holidays.


I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things after the holidays lol. I also had an appt Dec 30th, everything was good. I gained 4lbs & I think a total of 7 or 8lb this pregnancy so far eck lol at 17 weeks. I did eat a lot during Christmas though ha


We also scheduled our big u/s for Jan 18th. I will be 19 weeks by then. Can't wait to find out what we are having! Hope you are all doing well.

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Hey all!!!


Happy New Year!


I just got back from a long overdue vacation- 10 days of doing nothing but board games, reading... sleeping. Others have eaten lots of great food, but not me. I am 34 weeks and my stomach gives me heartburn all the time, and it feels as if everything comes back the moment I swallow. So white bread, crackers and light food for me. Sigh. I was gaining reasonably well (seeing I was a slightly underweight person before I got preggers), so I hope it won't be a problem. The baby is healthy, alive and kicking, and I can't wait to meet her!!!

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Hey all! The baby is here, safe, healthy and PERFECT! He was 20 inches long - 7 pounds & 3 ounces.


I went in the night before to have my cervix ripened by a pill suppository and at 7AM they started the Pitocin - I had 4 hours of labour before getting an epidural so got to feel real labor, I continued to labor for 7 more hours but failed to dilate so opted for a c-section. Upon surgery it was noted that the position of the baby's head would not have allowed for vaginal birth even if I was fully dilated. The baby came out beautiful and perfect! I will probably be going home tomorrow (Christmas) morning - the best gift I have ever gotten! Hubby and I are both totally in love with him. Here's some pics from that day -


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Im on cloud nine!


YAY!!! Congrats on your gorgeous little babyboy!!!

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Hey all!!!


Happy New Year!


I just got back from a long overdue vacation- 10 days of doing nothing but board games, reading... sleeping. Others have eaten lots of great food, but not me. I am 34 weeks and my stomach gives me heartburn all the time, and it feels as if everything comes back the moment I swallow. So white bread, crackers and light food for me. Sigh. I was gaining reasonably well (seeing I was a slightly underweight person before I got preggers), so I hope it won't be a problem. The baby is healthy, alive and kicking, and I can't wait to meet her!!!


What a BEAUTIFUL belly picture Arwen! You look positively glowing.

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Arwen, you look beautiful.


The heartburn can be really tough. The only things that really helped me when I had bad heartburn was ginger ale, bread, and chocolate milk. I don't know why- but those things just worked.


Hang in there- you're so close!

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Glad to hear everyone had a good holiday, we are in the throes of moving now this week...joy! Im so unmotivated and unenthusiastic about it though. I just want to rest...


New dr's appt on the 15th so have that to look forward to and hopefully get another scan in too.

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Hey guys.....boy I never thought I would be here so soon! Please add me to the thread....


That's right I am going to have baby....


Just found out this morning...I am seven weeks and 3 days!


I am going to need a lot of help I think!


Oh wow!!! Congrats to you!! Were you trying to conceive??

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Oh wow!!! Congrats to you!! Were you trying to conceive??


Not at this point....I knew I wanted kids but not for some time. It is a huge surprise, plus I also have a medical condition that makes pregnancy almost impossible, and yet here I am pregnant.


I am thrilled and scared at the same time...I guess its normal!

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Not at this point....I knew I wanted kids but not for some time. It is a huge surprise, plus I also have a medical condition that makes pregnancy almost impossible, and yet here I am pregnant.


I am thrilled and scared at the same time...I guess its normal!


Well then double congrats on your little miracle baby!! My best friend was told that she would never be able to have kids. Well, she popped out a perfectly healthy boy, and then just to piss the docs off (lol), she popped out a perfectly healthy little girl! lol


So much for never being able to have kids. She called them both her miracle babies!

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Well then double congrats on your little miracle baby!! My best friend was told that she would never be able to have kids. Well, she popped out a perfectly healthy boy, and then just to piss the docs off (lol), she popped out a perfectly healthy little girl! lol


So much for never being able to have kids. She called them both her miracle babies!


Thanks catdancer....yup this is my miracle baby. I guess now I just have so many questions....my pregnancy is considered risky so I am a bit scared.

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Thanks catdancer....yup this is my miracle baby. I guess now I just have so many questions....my pregnancy is considered risky so I am a bit scared.


Yikes. I would be scared too. IN fact I was scared out of my mind. lol Hell, I still am and my son is 9 months old. lol


Post a thread listing all of your questions and you will get some great advice from the wonderful mothers on here. I posted about a thread a day, lol, asking all kinds of things. Hell, at times, I still do post with questions. And again, all the wonderful moms here answer with great advice.


Oh, I should also say the wonderful fathers too. lol Didnt mean to exclude anyone! lol KG and Lost also give the best advice!!


For now, just relax and try not to stress yourself out too much. I remember making myself feel worse just by overthinking and freaking myself out.


Also, get into a good relationship with the nurses at your OB's office. I called ALOT to ask questions and get advice from them and they were wonderful!!

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aw, how exciting lunar! It's so nerve racking and exciting at the same time..and the first few weeks after you find out, you'll OBSESS over it..I know I did!


I'm about to be 12 weeks and it's finally settling in..especially since my baby bump is showing and people actually notice! Try not to worry about going through a risky pregnancy..mine is apparently 'perfectly healthy and normal' but I still worry all the time..but stress isn't good for the baby or you at all! Take your vitamins, get PLENTY of sleep and stay hydrated!


I'll pray for you and your little baby and i'll also pray that you don't get cursed with horrible morning sickness, it puts a big damper on things!


Congrats to you and your fiance!!!!



In regards to my pregnancy;;


I'm officially showing..I feel like it just popped up this weekend..I've only gained about 4lbs since finding out about the pregnancy. I feel like it's finally going by a little faster..I'll be 12 weeks wednesday. My tummy is feeling hard..which is normal according to my boyfriend's sisters..so i'm pretty excited..not looking forward to getting gigantic though..i'm already planning my work out and diet schedule after I have the baby, haha.


I'll find out what i'm having at the end of this month/beginning of february.. Hope everyone is doing great!

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Thank you so much! I will definitely do this when I get home! For now is it normal to feel cramping, kind of like menstrual cramps?


Yes. Your uterus is adjusting to having a baby growing in there. I had all kinds of pain. Ligaments stretch, the uterus expands, and none of that feels good. lol


My doc always said that as long as you have absolutely no bleeding with the cramps then you are ok.


If you have a little time to look back at my old posts, you will find some good ones on the "pains of pregnancy". lol


With the cramping, lying down, drinking lot of water and using a warm compress, NOT a heating pad on your belly can make it feel better.


My bf mom took one of his old socks and filled it with cheap white rice. Heat it in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes and it makes a great warm compress.

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Thank you so much for your kind words they mean a lot to me! I will be sure to stay clam and not worry I have faith in God that my little one will be ok. I know I have a lot of great mom at this place and I know they will always be here.


Thanks again!! Your gonna make me cry Im all emotional and everything!

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Yes. Your uterus is adjusting to having a baby growing in there. I had all kinds of pain. Ligaments stretch, the uterus expands, and none of that feels good. lol


My doc always said that as long as you have absolutely no bleeding with the cramps then you are ok.


If you have a little time to look back at my old posts, you will find some good ones on the "pains of pregnancy". lol


With the cramping, lying down, drinking lot of water and using a warm compress, NOT a heating pad on your belly can make it feel better.


My bf mom took one of his old socks and filled it with cheap white rice. Heat it in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes and it makes a great warm compress.



Thank you soo much! I will be sure to do this...thank God no blood just cramping is all.


Thank you soo much, this is gonna be my favorite place for sure!

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Thank you so much for your kind words they mean a lot to me! I will be sure to stay clam and not worry I have faith in God that my little one will be ok. I know I have a lot of great mom at this place and I know they will always be here.


Thanks again!! Your gonna make me cry Im all emotional and everything!


haha, get used to be emotional..believe me. I was watching 'deliver me' which is a pregancy show on discovery health channel..and this lady gave birth and I started crying like I was the one who gave birth. It's normal..but i'm still learning a lot. You're not that far behind me, so we can learn together!

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haha, get used to be emotional..believe me. I was watching 'deliver me' which is a pregancy show on discovery health channel..and this lady gave birth and I started crying like I was the one who gave birth. It's normal..but i'm still learning a lot. You're not that far behind me, so we can learn together!


I would totally appreciate that and I think it would be cool. Wanna know something funny my due date is one month exactly after you. August 21, 2010.

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I would totally appreciate that and I think it would be cool. Wanna know something funny my due date is one month exactly after you. August 21, 2010.


That's awesome! One of my friends is due May 21st, another June 22nd and now you on August 21st..haha. Crazy! I also recommend the website link removed


It's awesome..the forum is great!

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