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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Yeah, i'm just gonna suck it up..it definitely sucks but I know it will pass and my little bundle of joy will be all worth it.


My new years resolution is to stop being jealous of those who don't have any morning sickness, haha. My boyfriend's sister has had smooth sailing throughout her whole 1st trimester..only a couple more weeks until i'm out of the 1st trimester!

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Haha that's more like it! I couldn't stand the suspense either!


You'll have to tell me if my hunch is right when you find out!


Sorry to change the topic


but we had an ultrasound to confirm our suspicions, and indeed my husband was right!!!


We are having a GIRL!!!


I am so happy, all the time my own 'gut feeling' was right... we also had a 3D ultrasound, so special to see the little girl's face... although she surely didn't like it and kept hiding her face... here with one hand:

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Awww...... A little girl......She's gonna be a shy one.


Hmmm my guess she's just gonna be a tease, like her mom and her dad. When she kicks, it always stops when my hubby puts his hand on my belly, she used to swim away from the doppler at the checkups, and now she was constantly putting hands and feet before her face or simply bending her neck backwards so it was too deep inside my pelvic area to get a good picture...

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Hey ladies!


Well - here it is! We are at the hospital, going to be induced tomorrow morning!!


I'll update when I can with all the details, hopefully it will be an easy labor and delivery.


Wooow!!! I am curious, all the best wishes for today/tomorrow!!!

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Hey all! The baby is here, safe, healthy and PERFECT! He was 20 inches long - 7 pounds & 3 ounces.


I went in the night before to have my cervix ripened by a pill suppository and at 7AM they started the Pitocin - I had 4 hours of labour before getting an epidural so got to feel real labor, I continued to labor for 7 more hours but failed to dilate so opted for a c-section. Upon surgery it was noted that the position of the baby's head would not have allowed for vaginal birth even if I was fully dilated. The baby came out beautiful and perfect! I will probably be going home tomorrow (Christmas) morning - the best gift I have ever gotten! Hubby and I are both totally in love with him. Here's some pics from that day -


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Im on cloud nine!

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Molly, what a handsome baby! I'm so happy everything is okay.


On a side note; I had an appointment this morning..doc tried to find the heartbeat via doppler but couldn't..so he decided to do another ultrasound to make sure everything was okay. Our little one was doing flips and waving at us..he reassured me that there is a heartbeat and that the baby is alive and well, obviously..he also said that he gets some women who come in at 30 weeks pregnant and still can't hear the heartbeat..he said it just depends on the baby. Hopefully when I go in next month i'll get to hear it though!

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