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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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My job is a desk job..but at the same time i'm on my feet constantly with patients during clinic Mon-Wed..but Thurs/Fri are generally desk jobs..unless i'm doing filing. I guess i'll just think about it more as I get further a long..


and i'm only 8 weeks right now..but i've already noticed a bit of a pooch..but it could be because i'm 5'1" and pretty thin.. ..so my pictures would just look like I was trying to push my belly out, haha.

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DG - I'm the same as you but taller, around 5'6 started out weighing 120..now up to 125 blah. Anyway your little pooch is probably bloating. I was/am so bloated its not even funny. Right now my bump is bigger then before (not by much) but I dont think I'll start really showing until 16-17 weeks since its my first..maybe later? IDK. I'm 14 weeks & people that dont know wouldn't think I was pregnant they would probably just think I let myself go lol.


On a side note - I ordered a baby doopler and got it today. Omg I was able to hear the baby's HB at home, it was sooooo cool! I'll only have it for about a month or until I feel the baby kick. Best 28 dollars I ever spent!!

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Dang - I showed a lot quicker this time round as its my second. lol. Im only 5'3" and I was a uk size 10 so the slightest bit of weight change was noticeable. lol. Now im getting bigger I look like im going to topple over lol.


Thanks for compliments on pics girls! Cant wait to see your pictures too

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My job is a desk job..but at the same time i'm on my feet constantly with patients during clinic Mon-Wed..but Thurs/Fri are generally desk jobs..unless i'm doing filing. I guess i'll just think about it more as I get further a long..


and i'm only 8 weeks right now..but i've already noticed a bit of a pooch..but it could be because i'm 5'1" and pretty thin.. ..so my pictures would just look like I was trying to push my belly out, haha.


Bloating is very common during early pregnancy, your digestive tract slows down considerable to increase absorption of nutrients for the baby, which for mom leads to bloating and uncomfortable gas, and many moms see a small bulge as a result. Your uterus doesn't rise out of your pelvis until 12+ weeks so that when the 'real' bump may start to show. Thinner women do typically show sooner than more fluffy women.

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I had planned to work up until a week before my due date as we only get 12 weeks unpaid leave and I wanted most of that time with my baby. I am a nurse and am on my feet for 12+ hour shifts lifting and moving people, and by the time I was 30+ weeks that got very hard. My OB took me out of work at 34 weeks because of pre E, and I was induced 3 weeks after that and had her just before 37 weeks.


I think it depends on what kind of work you do. My sister works at a desk and so she worked right up until her due date, and her son ended up being 11 days overdue.


Ok, so that's really different here. I get 16 weeks fully paid leave, and you HAVE to take it at least 4 weeks before due date. If the baby is late, I get extra leave, because the 'maternity leave' is minimally 12 weeks. So my leave starts 14 january. I work as a researcher and I am writing my dissertation now. That's a 60-80 hour a week-job normally. Since I got pregnant, those hours simply haven't been possible. Too nauseous to focus, to tired to think.... now it's better but the exhaustion really affects me (31 weeks pregnant now).


I love my job, so it's likely that I will just work at home that last month- at least I won't have the 'side' work that I have now, teaching classes, meetings with professors, etc. Just me and my cats and a lot of tea. I have to admit I am looking forward to it.

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Arwen - that seems like a much more reasonable policy.


You don't even get paid here unless your company has an insurance plan that covers that (short term disability) and then it usually only pays you at 60% of your earnings for only 6 weeks. A lot of companies do not have this policy or any other self funded plan. If you have been at your job for a year and your company meets the requirements for being subject to the law (something like 50 employees in one geographical area) you can take up to 6 months off unpaid - this is usually only done if you have a sick child and both mother and father can do that. Very very few companies have any time off benefits for the father - my husband will be using his annual vacation to stay home with us as for two weeks.


The idea of going back to work when my baby is only 6 weeks old breaks my heart.

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The idea of going back to work when my baby is only 6 weeks old breaks my heart.


No kidding! When I worked at a daycare in the infant room..we had a mom that brought in her baby when he was only 3 weeks old! I was like.. no way!


I'm taking my full 12 weeks off..and if I have to, i'll take more time off..

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I have to admit that I actually looked forward to going back to work. (cant believe I'm saying this...lol) I was off for 6 weeks before I had my son, and then another 6 weeks after I had him. I wanted to take off longer, but I ran out of time that I could be off.


The first week, I freaked out. I mean I literally melted down at work a couple of times. I have to admit that my son was with family, and that was the only thing that kept me from running screaming out of my work.


It felt good to be productive, active and talk to adults about non-baby related things. You'll be surprised how much you'll miss adult interaction.

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I have to admit that I actually looked forward to going back to work. (cant believe I'm saying this...lol) I was off for 6 weeks before I had my son, and then another 6 weeks after I had him. I wanted to take off longer, but I ran out of time that I could be off.


The first week, I freaked out. I mean I literally melted down at work a couple of times. I have to admit that my son was with family, and that was the only thing that kept me from running screaming out of my work.


It felt good to be productive, active and talk to adults about non-baby related things. You'll be surprised how much you'll miss adult interaction.


Yeah, that's why I couldn't be a stay at home mom..

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This is what I had, a short term disability policy that paid 60% of my pay for 8 weeks because I had a c-section (6 weeks for vaginal delivery). They also paid the 3 weeks I was out before the baby was born as it was medical related- so 11 weeks total.


I returned to work when my baby was 10 weeks old, and my poor husband had only a few days off when we got home. We arrived home on a friday, and he went back to work the following tuesday, leaving me recovering from a c-section and alone with the baby. He had no leave time allowed and used 10 days of vacation... our baby spent 9 of those days in the hospital, 5 in the NICU. It really was unfair.


Molly, why do you have to return when your baby is only 6 weeks? I don't know where you live, but many states have additional leave policies for maternity in addition to or in correlation with FMLA. For example, MA where I live has the MA maternity leave act, which guarantees 8 weeks after the birth of the child regardless of when you start your leave, so it can be added on top of the 12 weeks for FMLA if you had to stop working early. Most doctors require a minimum of 6 week's recovery time for a vaginal delivery and 8 weeks for a c-section before allowing you to go back to work.


What state do you live in? I'll see what I can find- or you can contact your company's HR dept- they should be well versed in your state's leave policies.

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I have to admit that I actually looked forward to going back to work. (cant believe I'm saying this...lol) I was off for 6 weeks before I had my son, and then another 6 weeks after I had him. I wanted to take off longer, but I ran out of time that I could be off.


The first week, I freaked out. I mean I literally melted down at work a couple of times. I have to admit that my son was with family, and that was the only thing that kept me from running screaming out of my work.


It felt good to be productive, active and talk to adults about non-baby related things. You'll be surprised how much you'll miss adult interaction.


Yes, Cat you are right. It can be nice to remember that you have other talents besides breastfeeding, changing diapers and cuddling a baby. I missed my co workers and the adult social interaction with them and my patients too. But, I have to say that I was relieved to drop down to per diem and only have to work every other weekend and some holidays after a brief return at 22 hours a week.


I do get out and spend time with friends and that is very important for my sanity, but I really do enjoy being home with my baby most of the time. It is such a short period of time and they change and grow so much in the first year, I'd hate to miss that, and the thought working full time and of paying someone else to raise my baby all day while I do that, just didn't sit well with me. Fortunately my husband was in agreement and we could afford for me to mostly stay home with her.

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I was always against being a stay at home mum. But now after everything thats happened. Lifes too short. I can have my job/career again when Bens older. I can't go back to Ben being a baby again. So unless we have more babies, I'll most likely get a part time job when Bens in reception.


Or if Ben drives me mad, I'll get a job sooner!

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Oh I am sure I will love to get back to work. But in fact, I intend to just work at home, also during my leave. I love my work. I love working at home too. My husband will take a leave for one day a week, and take weeks of in the beginning (we never take holidays so we have a lot left). I can't NOT work on my research for 4 months, after that it will be like starting over!

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That's exactly how I feel & my husband agrees 100% about me staying home over paying someone to look after our baby. I am sure I will miss some of my co workers (not many, that's for sure lol) I still will go out with friends/family to get my adult interaction. Plus I think I will take some night classes once the baby is a little older. I just dont want to miss those babies years if I dont have to.


Before I became pregnant I said I would never be a stay a home mom, I was pretty much against it lol. I am way to social & love being around people, but once I found out I was pregnant I instantly started planning how I'm going to be a SAHM. Strange.

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Hope - thankfully I don't have to do that, but I have seen alot of women who have had to go back after 6 weeks for financial reasons and really always assumed I would too. I was really lucky in the timing of my pregnancy so that we were able to setup our lifestyle to fit one income when we found out I was pregnant. It's really hard when you are already settled into a lifestyle that requires both parents income, what do you do then, downgrade or go back to work? ya know?

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Hope - thankfully I don't have to do that, but I have seen alot of women who have had to go back after 6 weeks for financial reasons and really always assumed I would too. I was really lucky in the timing of my pregnancy so that we were able to setup our lifestyle to fit one income when we found out I was pregnant. It's really hard when you are already settled into a lifestyle that requires both parents income, what do you do then, downgrade or go back to work? ya know?


Oh I'm glad. Yes, I hear that, it's exactly what my husband and I did when our baby was born. We were quite comfortable with both our salaries, and now it's a bit of a stretch with just his and the occasional supplementation from mine. But, in the end, it is totally worth it.

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How is everyone today? I've had a really sore throat for last couple of days and its worse at nighttime (...I have no idea why) so I went to chemist this morning and asked what he could sell me and the guy told me that I'd have to go and see my dr as Im pregnant and he cant legally sell me anything (otherwise he's libel). So all i have right now is throat lozenges....

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How is everyone today? I've had a really sore throat for last couple of days and its worse at nighttime (...I have no idea why) so I went to chemist this morning and asked what he could sell me and the guy told me that I'd have to go and see my dr as Im pregnant and he cant legally sell me anything (otherwise he's libel). So all i have right now is throat lozenges....



For the time being, why don't you do gargles with salt and warm water? And then drink some hot water with lemon.

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How is everyone today? I've had a really sore throat for last couple of days and its worse at nighttime (...I have no idea why) so I went to chemist this morning and asked what he could sell me and the guy told me that I'd have to go and see my dr as Im pregnant and he cant legally sell me anything (otherwise he's libel). So all i have right now is throat lozenges....


Try chamomile tea with honey, and gurgle with salty water.

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awww great pics arwen and AC! AC your little bump is sooo cute! Aww i remember those days lol. Arwen i have to say that your looking really good for 31 weeks, Im impressed.


I also get the horrified looks when people see me and ask how far then say, 'omg you have another 3 months?!!'....im thinking 'oh great I knew I had a generous bump but that horrified look on your face just confirms what I was secretly dreading...that Im friggin huge and look like a whale!' lmao


Thanks for the salt water tip girlies i'll go try that now. Its been another horrible night and I woke up so mucasy this morning....eugh

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