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I was just discussing a job I used to have with someone and I brought up the fact that I try to be as honest as possible while on the job. The example I used was a business trip that my management team and I made to inventory one of our installations, I walked in on everybody smoking pot while on duty. I worked in loss prevention at the time and as part of my job I had to report this to their supperiors. Nothing ended up happening, I walked away with a clear concience and about 6 months later I got laid off. Not really sure if that incident helped in that decision or not but I was able to sleep at night.


The guy I discussed this with pretty much called me everything under the sun as well as a dirty rotten snitch. Kinda hurt me in a way I guess and made me think of things from a different perspective.


So, what would you guys have done? Do you guys let stuff like that blowover unoticed if it may have an impact on yor job down the road?

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You did the right thing. This guy was probably fired or reprimanded because of a rules violation at another job. Sounds like he has issues. You did your job, maybe prevented an accident by reporting drug use and you slept at night because you know you did the right thing. Good job, trust yourself.

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