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Removing body piercings


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Don't know if this is the correct spot for this. If not I appologize in advance.


To make a long story short I got two piercings 2 years ago this November. Basically I was trying to impress this gal I had no business being with in the first place. The one piercing is an eyebrow piercing and I normally take it out while working but the longest it has been out is a week. It hurt extremely bad after it went back in, much more than the initial piercing. The other is a Prince Albert which I have never taken out.


My question is do I need to do anything special to aid in the healing process after removing both piercings for good? Both are 'healthy' and in great condition. I just don't want to end up with a vertical scar accross my eye brow like you see on some people.



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If you've had them for 2 years already, chances are they'll always sort of be there, the "fistula" (the tube of skin/scar tissue) has long since been established. I have a Labret that I got almost 10 years ago, I only kept jewelry in it for about 3-4 years, yet if I use a 12 to 14g taper, I can put jewelry back in it (albeit, it's painful to stretch when I do). Your eyebrow will likely close so much that if you wish to put jewelry back in, you'd have to do the same (use a taper), and YEEEOW... yes, that'll hurt. Eyebrows (like lips), are one of the more painful areas to stretch. Your PA will probably have a tendency to be even more permanent - i.e., it stretches easier, and they heal quite well, so while the holes will shrink significantly when you take the jewelry out, it will likely always be there.


SO: answer to your questions - no, you don't need to do anything special, just remove the jewelry. You will likely always have a little hole where the piercings are, they will never close up unless you have them sutured up (stupid idea, would leave an even bigger scar), but they should become so small that they'll be barely noticeable. The only people that notice my old labret are people that have had them before and have the same "scar", if you want to call it that.


The break in the eyebrow you see on some people is more from the piercing rejecting. Eyebrow piercings are technically a surface piercing, thus have a stronger chance of rejecting. (Rejection is where your skin begins to try and expel the jewelry, much the same as what it does when trying to rid your skin of a wood sliver, etc.). Since you've had your piercing so long, and I assume with no signs of rejection, you won't have that problem.


Biggest thing is... commit to removing the jewelry, and if it's irritated, don't mess with it. If it gets irritated for whatever reason, try a sea salt soak (look up info on how to do this if you're not familiar), rinsing thoroughly, and follow up with mosturizing with Emu oil.


If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me, or better yet talk to a piercer you know/trust or is recommended to you.

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Thanks! Right after I first got both pierced there was some leakage and some tenderness and swolenness but I haven't had anything like that in well over a year.


Both have been out for a few days now, I kind of have to be careful while using the restroom LOL

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