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Suggestion: Can we allow suicidal people to express themselves?


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I was just wondering, would it be possible to relax the censorship rules for the SUICIDE section and allow posters to fully express themselves as they reach out for help? It seems so unnatural to read what people are feeling through the red asterisks or their modified verbiage to comply with the posting guidelines. Do we really expect suicidal people to express themselves as follows:



"My life is terrible, everything is falling apart, I want to golly-garsh end it all by putting a frickity-frickin gun to my head and blowing my gee whilikers head off."



Granted that's an extreme example, but you get the idea.

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I was just wondering, would it be possible to relax the censorship rules for the SUICIDE section and allow posters to fully express themselves as they reach out for help? It seems so unnatural to read what people are feeling through the red asterisks or their modified verbiage to comply with the posting guidelines. Do we really expect suicidal people to express themselves as follows:



"My life is terrible, everything is falling apart, I want to golly-garsh end it all by putting a frickity-frickin gun to my head and blowing my gee whilikers head off."



Granted that's an extreme example, but you get the idea.


that's a valid point. makes sense where you're coming from, miami.

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I was just wondering, would it be possible to relax the censorship rules for the SUICIDE section and allow posters to fully express themselves as they reach out for help? It seems so unnatural to read what people are feeling through the red asterisks or their modified verbiage to comply with the posting guidelines. Do we really expect suicidal people to express themselves as follows:



"My life is terrible, everything is falling apart, I want to golly-garsh end it all by putting a frickity-frickin gun to my head and blowing my gee whilikers head off."



Granted that's an extreme example, but you get the idea.


I say no, last time I remember dealing with the suicide section there was a guy posting about death and trying to get around the cussing/slandering... and everyone that was trying to help him--he argued with. He was ready to argue his help to death... literally... I'm not sure if he did or did not do anything.


In reality... not being able to cuss--may help someone calm down and rethink their situation and wording. Suicide forum or not, if they want to post it--they'll post it(censored)... and if they don't--they won't... not much we can do about it.

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First, it is hard to manage a forum and have a different set of rules apply to a subforum than for other forums. People who come in here who are not suicidal but are currently dealing with a break up will also feel the urge to use words that we have decided to not allow.


We apply strict rules to the use of language to avoid people using profanity directed toward each other, and to avoid people taking offense because of certain uses of language.


We have a forum about suicide to reach out to people who are struggling with thoughts of killing themselves. For a lot of people it helps to talk about it. I fail to see how that is a bizarre idea, to be honest.

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actually having a forum called suicide is a bizarre idea. i wonder who came up with this.


Actually it's a good idea. Learning little bit more about severe depression accompanied which suicidal thoughts might shed some light on that.


OP your idea sounds reasonable. I see your point. But I still think the same rules should apply to all sub forums for several reasons. Firstly, it would be complicated for mods probably. Secondly, if someone is capable enough to log in to ask for help, I believe they can be expected to compose their feelings in an appropriate way out of respect toward other Ena users. If they cannot do that, I believe they're not capable of holding a decent conversation with other posters answering their threads and since members of the forum are not qualified professionals, it might cause more damage then good.

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All valid points. I can see how it would be difficult to apply different rules to different sections.


Question for moderators and censors though: Do you still send 3-point infractions to OP's who use profanity when they are venting in the Suicide section? If so, you may want to think twice about that one since it could become the straw that breaks the camel's back. Just a thought.

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Question for moderators and censors though: Do you still send 3-point infractions to OP's who use profanity when they are venting in the Suicide section? If so, you may want to think twice about that one since it could become the straw that breaks the camel's back. Just a thought.


It really depends on the circumstance miami. We try to use our judgment when determining whether to just warn or issue an infraction. A lot goes into that decision including where the person is posting and how long they have been a member for.

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Hurtful sentences, if directed at someone directly (like another ENA member or a group of people by generalization) is not allowed either.


They constitute flaming or simply disrespect. Those are mostly more serious violations of our policy than profanity, and also 'weigh' more in terms of infractions.

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