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I got written up third week into work....

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*****Update**** So I'm pretty sure Im going to get fired. My roomate worked yesterday and said the schedule wasnt up and the manager was looking for people to cover shifts on Sunday. Sunday is a day that I have complete availability and of course no one contacted me. I'm scheduled to comein at 6pm today and I am so nervous. I don't know how to handle this.......*********


So, I am in my last semester at school and I have always worked as a waitress/cocktail server due to the fact that it is good money and allows me to go to school during the days. I've been in the restaurant industry since I was 16 and have worked at both corporate and non-corporate places. Currently, I just got a job as a server at a casual restaurant in the Marina district of San Francisco which is pretty upscale.


Yesterday night at the end of my shift one of my managers asked to talk to me and said that the other manager (who had left earlier in the night) asked him to write me up. Both of these managers are pretty cool and we all help each other out and as far as I was concerned I was doing a great job. I was caught off guard when he said that when I arrived for my shift I didn't show initiative and was being "idle". I asked for examples and he told me thathe was busy and didn;t actually see it but that the other manager did and asked him to write me up. I am quick to admit if I mess up but I arrived for my shift and already had tables transferredtome and two new ones. I was swamped!! I was more hurt than angry because I have come in early when they asked me to, Ive covered shifts when they needed me to, and I KNOW I'm a hard worker.


Anyways, I was scheduled to come today at 6:30pm and at around 1pm the manager who had asked the other one to write me up calls me. He sounded super cheerful and told me that he had tons of people to train and that he needed to get them trained on the floor before the weekend so he was calling me off for my shift. I asked him if this had anything to do with last night and he said no, we are putting that in the past and moving on. He basically said that I'm a great worker but I need to show more initiative? Anyways, since he said that me getting called off had nothing to do with the previous nights incident, I asked if I could cover my roomates shift that night.(We both work there together and she is leaving on a trip tomorrow super early, plus she was hungover!). He stalled a little bit and said "Oh, no roomate is section 1, I need her to come in .So I said ok and we hung up.


First off, I work that section all the time. 2nd off obviously I am gettinf reprimanded andgetting called off work for getting written up. I am super confused/worried. Are they going to fire me? If they were, they would have just had me come in today and do it since they have to do it in person. Sorry for the rant but I have never gotten written up. My main question is why would he tell me twice that him calling me off had nothing to do with me getting written up, but then not allow me to cover my roomates shift? This particular manager is around my age and super laid back. He jokes around alot with me and I have always been super polite and good natured with him.

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If you were going to be fired, it would have happened already, they would not have written you up and given you feedback about it.


The manager declining your request to cover your roommate's shift could be related, he might not want to do you any favors immediately following what he sees as a minor transgression. In his mind it might water down the discipline.


Fair or not these things happen, you'll need to make sure you don't appear to be sitting around even if you're caught up on your work. Polish the silverware if you have to, just do something at all times.

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One thing I have discovered at any job, the more you care, the more you get shafted and taken advantage of. Do a good job, do it for you and not for them. Believe me people only bother those who they think will care. It is kind of pointless to nag people who don't care.

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Thanks for the response. I windex windows, clean check presenters.... I do everything in order to be a good worker. Especially since the owners are always there as well. I work eight hour shifts so it's possible that the manager looked at me the one time I took a breather. My personality is a little sassy and I can see how that could be mistaken as a slight attitude, maybe I got too comfortable with the managers? I'm pretty distraught and embarrassed as well. I work tomorrow (as of right now) and I'm nervous to go in. They could fire me tomorrow.... This is all so stressful.

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The other thing is never get to cosy or comfy with the managers or owners. I know sometimes it is hard to do. Propriety works best. If they feel you are "close" to them they expect more from you than the rest of the workers so it does not look like favouritism. They then also expect you to do more favours, like come in early, cover others shifts etc. I have done what you have done and taken every job I ever had very personally and it leads to being shafted. As long as you work the best you know how and you are happy with what you have done and it meets job standards it is all good.

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Thanks Victoria. I can see how it's better not to blur the lines between manger/employee. It's hard though when we are all relatively the same age and going through a lot of the same stuff. I just hope I don't get fired tomorrow, and that I can manage to go in and have a huge smile plastered on my face even though I feel a little hurt and betrayed. It sucks.

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I wouldn't worry about being fired. As wounder mentioned, they wouldn't of written you up if they felt they were going to let you go. He also mentioned that you were a great worker. Not a commentarty that would pave way for a termination.

Keep a professional attitude and keep the same pace of your work ethics. You may even get a raise or a promotion. Go get em!

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