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Book Talk

Calling Men by Mimi Tanner


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  • 1 year later...

I read this book many times,,,,the book is good for unexperienced young women but not for cerebral women.. I bought it because as I was following my carrier I didn't want to make mistakes and lose time with weird guys....also I didn't want to date a colleague ... I lost three dates because of this books....they were great.... I broke her rules once because I was so in love with one of my date....and I didn't want to lose him... I called him two weeks after he gave up calling AND ....it worked out very well and now we are living together and preparing our wedding... Follow your heart when you feel the guy ..if he is shy you should call and you won't end up with your share of the bills and a mortgage.....my fiancé is so generous and lovely...... He was lost because he didn't understand why I didn't call him...he thought because I was a high maintenance woman...then I told him about the book and till now he is laughing

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