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ok...I know im over analysing things BUT i met this guy a week ago and we hit it off like crazy.. he came n visited me a few days later and we spent the whole day n evening together...cooking together, swimming, bought some vinyls together n just chilled...was awesome..


anyways he brought up us hanging out again etc a few times whilst we were hangin out, he also sent me a txt after he left asking if we could hang again...


anyways i last saw him tues night and i sent him a txt today asking if he had tronight off to hang out.. he wrote back this "im we,l thankyou! though im working today and tonight (sad face) id love to catch up with you soon...x'


so what im thinking is that he musnt be that keen to see me as he isnt making a time n he must know what days he has off etc.


what do you think about this? him not making a time or anything...does it mean he just isnt that interested?



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It doesn't sound to me like you can tell either way yet.

Sometimes I get so busy that it's hard to plan beyond a couple of days in front of me.

It's only been a week, so you're right-- you *are* over analysing.

Chill out, and see what happens next.

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