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STDs and Oral?


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Okay, folks. Last night I do something soooo out of character for me. Last night I went out with a guy and completely clicked. I ended up at his place.

We did not have intercourse, because no matter how much wine I drink, I can't do that on the first date. However, a little oral did take place.


Never of us came, but there was not a condom involved, as I had no plans for intercourse to occur. I, usually being a completely rational person, am now slightly freaked realizing oral isn't always the safest either. I have only had sex, etc. with one person in my life, and I made him go to the doctor for STD testing before we ever did anything without a condom.


What is the risk on oral with no semen? Trust me, I've learned a lesson and will take any and all precautions in the future. Very unlike me not to.

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you can still get an STD from pre-cum. and most likely he did.


Confirming what I thought. It's not that I believe this guy is a host for STDs, but he is ten years older and sometimes people aren't even aware. The evening progressed way fast, and frankly I'm mad at myself for letting it get that far.


I have a Gyno-Appointment next month, so the first thing I'm going to ask for is STD testing.

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Pre-cum will happen. . . .

And yes it's possible to get an STD from down below to the mouth.


Oh, I know STDs are possible. I suppose I was in the moment and forgetting about pre-cum, which of course isn't an excuse and just stupid. I'm kicking myself, but I suppose all I can do is to take precaution next time until I get medical proof he's clean.


Wow, after typing "medical proof", I realized how unromantic that sounds. But it's reality, I suppose.


Edit: Oh, I have had the HPV vaccine, so I'm hopeful that would help a bit against the HPV that cause cervical cancer if he were a carrier (and probably unaware).

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Sigh, well sure, it is possible. But it's highly unlikely. I think people are just too concerned about this sort of thing, to the point where it's almost an obsessive compulsive disorder.


There is little point in worrying about it - there really isn't as much to worry about as you, and many others, seem to think there is.

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Sigh, well sure, it is possible. But it's highly unlikely. I think people are just too concerned about this sort of thing, to the point where it's almost an obsessive compulsive disorder.


There is little point in worrying about it - there really isn't as much to worry about as you, and many others, seem to think there is.


Lol, I will admit, I do over analyze, but it only takes one little mistake.


I think I'm more pissed at myself for doing this on the first date. I kinda feel a little dirty, but that's a topic for a different subforum, I think.

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op, I know how you feel. I'd regreted like hell of doing oral for a guy. he said he doesn't have stds, and he doesn't have sore. but I'm just really worried.


I was wondering do you need to check only certain type of stds if you've only done oral or all of them? would you send me a msg after you hear it back from your GYN? I've to wait for my insurance to start one month later to check up. thanks and best of luck

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op, I know how you feel. I'd regreted like hell of doing oral for a guy. he said he doesn't have stds, and he doesn't have sore. but I'm just really worried.


I was wondering do you need to check only certain type of stds if you've only done oral or all of them? would you send me a msg after you hear it back from your GYN? I've to wait for my insurance to start one month later to check up. thanks and best of luck


Fatcat1999, I will. I'm trying to get an appointment for the week after next. I know my gyno runs an automatic screen for all STDs when I ask for it (insurance covers it) - I'm a natural worrier.

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