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Does birth control kill sex drive?

Double J

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My g/f and I have been grappling with this issue for a while. Over the past two years, her drive has taken a major nosedive. We've surmised that it may be attributable to her having switched from Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo to Microgestin F/E 120. Up until she switched, her drive was higher, she felt less tired, and she was better able to control her weight.


They switched her to the latter pill because she has high blood pressure. She also takes blood pressure medication as well as something for her thyroid. I'm wondering if taking all these pills in combination could be the root of the problem.


Any tips/suggestions welcome.

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When I started on Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo, my sex drive was lowered, but it wasn't killed. And as my body adjusted to the hormone regulation over time, it got back up to where it was to begin with (just took a long time).


It's definitely possible that her bc switch is what caused these changes. She can have her doctor put her on a different kind to see if that changes it.

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Birth control pills obliterated my sex drive. Even the thought of having sex made me cringe when I was on them. That was very unlike me. They caused a lot of tension in my past relationships. Most men don't seem to want to deal with condoms, so there's not much else that can be done.

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yeah. think about it. its a pill that causes your body to shut down its 'thoughts' on reproduction by thickening cervical mucous, and or stopping ovulation, and basically taking the wind out of the sexual sails so to speak.


the main reason humans want to have sex is to reproduce, its driven by the hormones that are naturally created in us.


when you do something that basically throws a wrench into those hormones and makes the body think it cant procreate.. well of course the sex drive is going to die.

its rare that it doesnt.

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It could be a number of things. The medications she is on. The birth control.


Or even her thyroid. Even with the medication, she may be struggling with some of the underlying issues with her thyroid.


Is she open to trying a different birth control method? If bc was out of the picture, that would at least narrow down the possible suspects.


All of it combined sounds (to me) to be very hard on a body! Is she otherwise fit and healthy?

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I was taking Yaz for about a year. Experience a high sex drive, extreme mood swings etc.. Decided it was time to get off of that.


Now i am on Ovcon 35. I have had extreme success with this. My sex drive is still amazing, my mood swings are gone ( i am my normal self ) and my boobs have grown!


The best thing for her to do is to go to her Dr. and explain what is going on.


The thyroid can explain a big part in her low sex drive. My mom had thyroid cancer and is still on thyroid meds and while she was a teen before the cancer came she delt with unexplained weight gain and loss, hair loss, mood swings, fatigue and a very low sex drive.


My guess would be the thyroid. And the birth control will play a big part in her hormone levels. She needs a b/c pill that is higher in estrogen and lower in progsten. Again, make an appointment w. her PCP or a GYNO. Have them take extensive blood work testing her hormone levels, estrogen, and her thyroid levels. They will be the people to give you the best advice.

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Yeah, I was kind of worried about getting on birth control too because I'd heard about that being a common side effect. But the pills I'm subscribed to almost seem to be doing the complete opposite, they've kicked my drive into overdrive!


If before she went on them she had a very different kind of drive and it's not due to stress, tiredness or some other issue, definitely try switching. I'm on a low-dose one so I dunno if that has anything to do with it.

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