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Seriously, what the hell??


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The more I read, the more baffled I get.


"Why is sex important? cant a couple just talk and do stuff?"

"I've been married a month and now want a divorce because he hasn't changed yet"

"I'm bored because he's the same as he was yesterday"

"So I found this while snooping through his phone"

"I want all your passwords"

"I borrowed his money without asking, why's he mad at me?"

"He went to a strip club - OOOOOOOOOoooook"

"He glanced at another woman so he must be unhappy in our relationship"


Im just speechless. Baffled. Utterly astonished.


Can we get a grip, please?


I don't think i'm ever going to get into a relationship again, if this is what I have to look forward to...

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chill out bro, this is just a place for support. I mean...people are here to talk and get support for their relationship problems. of course you will hear "special" story like the one you mention above.





Im just speechless. Baffled. Utterly astonished.


Can we get a grip, please?


I don't think i'm ever going to get into a relationship again, if this is what I have to look forward to...


like you will think like that when a cute girl comes up to you and start talking to you

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chill out bro, this is just a place for support. I mean...people are here to talk and get support for their relationship problems.


Uh, yep, exactly.


Of course if you're not the type that would ever need to seek advice about those things, it's easy to roll your eyes and say "what?" I've had that reaction a million times.




Just because I wouldn't ask it, doesn't mean it's not a legit issue to post about and doesn't mean it's any less worthy than any question I would ask.


ENA would get, like, ten new threads a day if they were all truly unique, brand new questions...

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haha well I seriously doubt i'm without my own little faults, but they surely pale in comparison to some of the things I see here!!


Platinum member, eh?


I'm sure somewhere in almost 2,000 posts some of those rep points came from you helping people out with their severely oddball problems. Look at it that way.


And, you're 30. When you were 18, 19, even in your early 20s, did you know half of what you know now about relationships? A lot of people on ENA are pretty young. Can't blame them for needing a little guidance.

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Just because I wouldn't ask it, doesn't mean it's not a legit issue to post about and doesn't mean it's any less worthy than any question I would ask.

I don't question the legitimacy of the questions being asked. I question the logic behind them. I mean, seriously, how difficult is it to see that "borrowing" money from someone without asking is stealing, and would cause a negative response from an SO.


Or where is the logic in thinking that a marriage can be fulfilling without sex? "Can't we just be friends, married friends"?


And who can't understand that snooping through someones personal, private matters is a trespass on that person? How can someone conceivably think they are in the right to accuse someone of wrongdoing, when to get the information with which to confront them about said wrongdoing is aquired through the wrongdoing of the person making the accusation?


Bafffled. Totally baffled.

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I don't question the legitimacy of the questions being asked. I question the logic behind them. I mean, seriously, how difficult is it to see that "borrowing" money from someone without asking is stealing, and would cause a negative response from an SO.


Or where is the logic in thinking that a marriage can be fulfilling without sex? "Can't we just be friends, married friends"?


And who can't understand that snooping through someones personal, private matters is a trespass on that person? How can someone conceivably think they are in the right to accuse someone of wrongdoing, when to get the information with which to confront them about said wrongdoing is aquired through the wrongdoing of the person making the accusation?


Bafffled. Totally baffled.


Throwing everything aside, you're just like everyone else.

Stop trying to separate yourself from the pack.

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People seek all sorts of things from relationships that they shouldn't; the most common things are self-worth, validation, and purpose. When those things are sought, the end can never be good.


It's ideal if a person can remain single and content while they grow and find their own life-path. Most can't or won't... and they're shot through with many sorrows. But the worst error is the arrogance after the fact. We live in a culture where regret is an evil thing and thus we often refuse to admit we should have done anything differently... after all, we learned something. And that is a great error, indeed.

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Everyone is so quick to jump on this without even really understanding the depth of his meaning. Hello! People are jumping ship so early, and easily in relationships nowdays...who has the time or energy to get involved in one if their partner will bail at the first sign of trouble?!!

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Everyone is so quick to jump on this without even really understanding the depth of his meaning. Hello! People are jumping ship so early, and easily in relationships nowdays...who has the time or energy to get involved in one if their partner will bail at the first sign of trouble?!!


Good insight.

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Everyone is so quick to jump on this without even really understanding the depth of his meaning. Hello! People are jumping ship so early, and easily in relationships nowdays...who has the time or energy to get involved in one if their partner will bail at the first sign of trouble?!!

I think you grasped my meaning there better than even I did. Nice

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The more I read, the more baffled I get.


"Why is sex important? cant a couple just talk and do stuff?"

"I've been married a month and now want a divorce because he hasn't changed yet"

"I'm bored because he's the same as he was yesterday"

"So I found this while snooping through his phone"

"I want all your passwords"

"I borrowed his money without asking, why's he mad at me?"

"He went to a strip club - OOOOOOOOOoooook"

"He glanced at another woman so he must be unhappy in our relationship"


I get what you're saying--people are indeed becoming more and more demanding about the quality of their relationships, which is both a good and bad (or at least unrealistic) thing--but, keep in mind that this is a relationship advice forum. People mainly come here to talk about their problems and get support, not to say that everything is going great. It isn't the most representative sample.

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