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Help! I am constantly hungry!

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So since last week, I feel like I am constantly hungry or just crave food and can't get it out of my head. Can it be because of any specific reason? I started a new pack of BC last week, but I have been on it for like 7 months so I'm not sure if it can be related. last week I gained 3 or 4 pounds


Any idea why am I like this or how can I control it?

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It could be a number of things! I'd just ask you what kind of food you crave, and what kind of food you actually eat. Some foods burn a lot quicker than others, leaving you hungry again in like half an hour,.


Edit: Like christiana said, drink more liquids, especially lots of water. It fills me up and is necessary

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yeah, I guess specially something like diet soda might help. I finished my period like 10 days ago and I can't be pregnant...is being hungry a lot a sign of pregnancy?


I crave all kinds of food, I just want to eat, I think I crave carbs, sweet stuff the most


That's pretty normal girl! You stressin?

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That's pretty normal girl! You stressin?


yes, I am stressed out a bit, but not too much.


being hungry is a sign of pregnancy u start craving all sorts of things! try eating fruits and veggies when u get hungry. or low cal oatmeal bars. Also, are you working out more? cuz sometimes when your metabolism is working harder u need more food to satisfy you.


no working out

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I crave all kinds of food, I just want to eat, I think I crave carbs, sweet stuff the most


Sugar can be addictive, I believe. The body derives quick energy out of it. The reward is nearly immediate. You may need to retrain your brain to crave less carbs.


Is your BF (body fat) in range? If so, I wouldn't worry about this at all!! You just might need the quick energy! Just make sure you are getting the nutrition you need with a healthy balance of proteins and fats and vitamins and minerals ... along with all those carbs. Try to avoid carbs at the end of the day unless you need more body fat.

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