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Potentially a bad idea

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I've written this a couple of times now and I don't think there's a way to phrase it that doesn't make me sound like an arsehole. Basically, I may have the chance to have sex tomorrow night. I got an email from a girl I had a short, mostly physical, relationship with a couple of years ago. She wanted to meet up for a drink tomorrow night, so she must have seen on facebook that I have moved back. I just don't know if it would help or hinder me and I also don't want to lead her on. I'm still pretty much a mess and quite a while off being able to have another relationship. Is it a bad idea if we both know it's only sex?


I don't want to come accross as big headed. It just seems odd that this is the first time I've heard from her in a long time and we hardly spent any time together before without ending up in bed.

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What's big headed about this? Do it if it'll make you feel better. Don't make any promises to her. As long as you don't lie, you have nothing to feel bad about. If she's having sex with you even though you're not in a relationship with her, she obviously views sex as a casual thing. She shouldn't be upset when she finds out you don't want more. If she has really low self-esteem and only using this to get to you, then ew.

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we never had a proper relationship because when we met she was with someone else. I was leaving to spend a year studying abroad at the end of the summer but two weeks before I left she broke up with her boyfriend and we had a fling. I'm ok with being a sure thing, I just didn't want to assume that just because she wants to meet up she wants to have sex. I don't have that much self confidence.

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