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emotionoly stressed


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okay I need some help. on September 11. 2009 my cousins wife past away. She was like a big sister to me. i was really close to her and I'm still really close to my cousin as well. on September 18th 2009 i had my son 9lbs 6 oz, I miss my "sister" but I'm scarred to show sadness because i don't want my family to think that I'm having the baby blues or postpartum depression, my son also has to spend the first 5 days of he's life in the NICU for heath reasons, i was not able to go to the funeral because it was the same day my son came home. I'm having a hard time with my hormones trying to get back to normal, my son being home and my "sister" passing away. if anyone can help me on what i should do please do. i dont want to stress to much about it cause i am nursing and dont want to dry up.

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