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Not sure if this has anything to do with it but I'm coming down with a cold now. Bollocks.


Yep. It would have A LOT to do with it. I got sick when I went through it too. Your immune system has taken a beating as you're not getting any of the vital minerals and vitamins your body needs to fight off sickness. So right now you're in a very vulnerable state.

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Yep. It would have A LOT to do with it. I got sick when I went through it too. Your immune system has taken a beating as you're not getting any of the vital minerals and vitamins your body needs to fight off sickness. So right now you're in a very vulnerable state.


Is this the case even though I am eating a healthy meal in the evening? I know I have to take care of myself I just have no appetite at all.

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Thanks everyone, I'll be sure to load up on vitamin tablets and tea. What do garlic tablets do?


it actually kills germs in your system and lowers cholesterol and over the long run it prevents colds and stuff...but i usually go on it when im going down with something cause yeah...when your on it, and you sweat, body odour is alot worse lol.

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This is a common thing. A few weeks after my breakup I went to the doctor's for a routine visit, got on the scale and thought, "Whoa -- this cannot be right." I had lost at least ten pounds. Now my friends have been telling me I need to put on weight. (I was small to begin with.) Anyhow, try as best you can to keep your strength up -- you need to give yourself all the love you can right now and that includes nourishing your body. And when you start to have natural inclinations to eat again, you'll know you're starting to feel better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I go through the same thing. Loss of appetite... I force myself to drink protein or yogurt shakes, foods to give you nutrition. Even cereal. And granola bars. It's all easier to take in than big meals. Just make yourself consciously, so you don't make yourself sick over not getting the right nutrients. Your normal appetite will come back around at some point....

good luck.

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