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Want to talk about conflicts?


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Hi to all of you,

first I wanna say great that all of you go out and try to find solutions,

it's so much easier to throw things away than to work it out!!


The problem I have is a project for university (though I should consider talking about my problems here as well ):

I have to write an article about a couple that has problems in their relationship - concerning anything from contentiousness to lying or cheating or whatever problem it may be, that contains a relationship and a conflict between two people.

I would like you to help me with that, so some other student could do a short telephone interview with you on that. Both partners should be interviewed and maybe that way you two can find a solution for the problem.

It would be too kind if you would like to share your experiences and problems to make things better and show people out there they're not alone.

Kind regards,


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I don't mind participating, but I refuse to give out my phone number over the internet. The point of these forums is to keep posters anonymous and I don't think a lot of people would be comfortable disclosing personal information for that purpose.


A question on your topic: what kind of "conflict" are you exactly looking for? It's a very broad subject to discuss.

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Hi Kumatora,

I understand that very well, so would an interview via Skype be okay?

Because the task of this university assignment is to do a telephone interview.


Well, the conflict could be anything concerning "falling in love".

For example: "I love a guy, but my mum doesn't like me to be with him" or

"How can you NOT love me?" or "I love you, why do you lie to me?".

It is about people's problems, that they are not alone and hopefully about solving those problems between the two interviewed partners.


Thanks in advance!

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