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So self conscious about him ''touching me''...guy/girl help?


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im 19 and hes 22. my boyfriend and i have been together for almost 2 months and knew eachother a little bit before that. he is not a virgin and i am. basically ill cut to the chase...weve made out, done stuff on the upperbody but nothing below and he wants to finger me, obviously lol. hes done it with clothes on but not ''for real,'' i guess you could say. i am SO shy and conscious about him touching me down there. i get grossed out thinking about him touching me down there, and then like what if he doesnt like how i shave or things like that. i also need advice on that because i can never shave towards the bottom and under.


i know i would love the feeling, and i want him to do it so bad, but i just cant let myself. the furthest ive ever gone with a guy is handjob.


someone, anyone...help me =( thanks

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hes tried and i said no and then he said he felt embarassed. i told him that im jsut not ready to do anything like that yet. and he said he likes moving slow. i think he htinks im scared that if i say no or im not ready then he will leave me. he said...i jsut want to let you know im not going to leave you and im willing to wait.


how do i know exactly when i can officially 100% trust him =/

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Two MONTHS?? Girl you are only 19 dont rush into anything you arent comfortable with! If he is asking about sex after only 2 months then he obviously is only saying all the "gusshy" I love you and wont leave u crap to make you believe him! Dont do anything with him til YOU are READY! Dont let him pressure you into anything. Sex isnt worth that! It isnt many times these days you hear of girls 19 still being virgins! You Go girl! Save yourself for when you get married! It will mean a lot more to you!

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thank youu!! i know, i guess it is kinda crazy but i really dont care! and noo, he hasnt asked about sex he just wants to do touchy feely stuff lol. and we dont say i love you. when we first started going out he said he wants to fall in love with me and thats about it. we never say i love you or anything...that would be way too soon for me!

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It depends on your view on virginity, and how you deal with relationships in general. My advice is to wait though, just to make sure that he isn't in it for the sex. And by all means please wait until you "love" each other before you have sex, because doing it prematurely will have a much greater chance of ruining the relationship instead of helping it.

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