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after i stopped smoking, i keep watching more porn....weird


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so i stopped smoking a week ago. i mean this is not just temporary, but im trying very hard to stop smoking for good.


when i was smoking, i noticed i was not at all interested in porn and sexual drive was very low. this gave me lot of time to focus on my work.


now that i quit smoking, i noticed my sexual drive is uncontrollable, and i am watching more and more porn. this is interuptting with my normal work.


after i stopped smoking i have become sort of a hermit. staying home, and making excuses to stay away from work.

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Smoking gives you instant gratification - in several small doses. That's why people do it. Without it, your body will find new ways to receive that gratification. That's why people sometimes gain weight when the quit - they replace the gratification with food. You are replacing it with orgasms.

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