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My ex's girlfriend is pregnant.. Feel weird about it..

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OMG I thought I've been doing extremely well these past couple of months.. I blocked and deleted my ex from facebook and myspace.Days were passing by with little thought of him on my mind and I've even tried dating again. To just do a little recap.. My ex basically got tired of me and wasn't man enough to tell me he didn't want to be in the relationship anymore so he began to act cold and distant with me.So I broke up with him only to find out that he got back with his longterm ex girlfriend and they've got a place together in another state. Now my ex and his girlfriend dated on and off since they were kids.. He even told me that she was and probably still is his first love when we were together. So basically I think I was nothing but a rebound to my ex, because their relationship ended and he started talking to me which hurts.


Fast forward to today, I found out from a mutual friend of my ex's that his girlfriend is pregnant. When I heard the news my stomach dropped and I felt strange. I didn't necessarily feel sad but my stomach dropped and some anxiety came over me. All of that hurt and anger just came flooding back. The way he used me and just deserted me and left me hanging to get back with his ex just angers me. The way he acted as if I never mattered to him, he used me.Being desperate I went on facebook to look at my ex and his girlfriend's profiles and she is expecting. They seem so happy He even has engaged listed as his relationship status.


I think I'm really getting over him but to see him move on so quickly and forget like I never existed hurts a little still. I'm not very choked up about it because like I said, I think he's about 30% out of my system. However it just left me confused. Sometimes I feel a little lonely that I'm single still and I sometimes wish that right man could come into my life but I just never seem to find that guy who will treat me right. It's left me a little bitter towards men in general. I've been active and getting out more and hanging with friends and family but I still feel like something is missing out of my life, I just don't know.


I've been talking to a new guy and we've went out together probably twice. He approached me at a local Walmart about a month ago and we started talking that way. After talking with him, he seems like a really cool guy. However I don't feel any sparks as far as pursuing a relationship or anything with him. He seems to really like me though. I'm glad I've made a new friend however I don't think he's anyone I could see myself dating. At the same time I keep comparing him to my ex which is wrong I know but he doesn't have a lot of qualities that attacts me to him. He's not interesting or funny like my ex was.


It's very rare for me to find someone that likes me and I like them back. I'm glad I've made it this far since my ex left me. It doesn't hurt as much at all now. Like I said, some days pass now with my ex not even on my mind. However finding out that my ex is going to be a father and a family man just does something to me. I can't explain it, the whole thing just left me feeling weird.I feel deserted and left behind.. I guess another thing that is bothering me, is I see so much progress going on with other people's lives than my own and that's what's also irritating me. It's not like I'm not trying. I still have no job and nothing new is really going on in my life. While all of my friends and ex's have moved on to better things.. Just feel very left behind..

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I just found out my ex is with someone else. It's actually helping me gain final closure and I'm already feeling better about it. I think this will do the same for you!


I've already gained closure in a sense.. because I learned months ago that my ex left me for someone else. But finding out my ex's girlfriend is pregnant just stirred all these mixed emotions up. It has me feeling some sort of way.. Not really depression, just confusion and hurt really...

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There are no words to describe how horrible a person your ex is...I remember your posts from a while back and for someone to just leave you like that with no explanation is immature and disrespectful. Even though its been a while its still hard to find out things like that, especially to see that he's happy. But dont worry..in time your gonna find that person who will make you even happier than this guy ever made you. Someone who actually deserves to be with you! Cheer up! =)

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There are no words to describe how horrible a person your ex is...I remember your posts from a while back and for someone to just leave you like that with no explanation is immature and disrespectful. Even though its been a while its still hard to find out things like that, especially to see that he's happy. But dont worry..in time your gonna find that person who will make you even happier than this guy ever made you. Someone who actually deserves to be with you! Cheer up! =)


Thank you heartbroken.. I'm feeling ok about it. Just sometimes hearing things like that irritate me. I'm pretty much over him. It just makes me sick to my stomach that he's doing so well and it seems as if god is ignoring me and blessing him when he doesn't deserve it. After how he treated me, it blows me away at how cruel and unfair life can be. But I will just have to keep pressing forward and be strong regardless sigh. I hope things pick up in my life soon.

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