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he emailed again yesterday morning to see if i got the email he had sent me friday with the receipt for the internet router he returned since he never got a response from me. i replied that i didn't get that email. he said he would send again and good thing i have a personal secretary. haha. then he mentioned house was on last night (i don't like the show and he loves it). he sent the receipt again this morning and said how good the show was last night. i replied thank you and glad he enjoyed the show.


Why did you lie?

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not really sure. his email asking if i got it seemed annoyed since i didn't respond to it. was just a spur of the moment answer on my part. i hate the fact that this whole thing seems like a game. he really doesn't have to be emailing about any of this stuff and i shouldn't be lying or pretending. i don't know his intentions and can't ask him at this point. we aren't anywhere near the point that we should be talking about our relationship since we don't have one right now and the only contact we have is him emailing me about an old internet account.


i'm sure i am making a thousand mistakes in how i am handling this. but i am human and really don't know what to do. just kind of taking one day and one email at a time.


i know everyone here is wanting to help each other for the most part and there is definitely good advice given and some harsh criticism on some. i'm not sure there is a right or wrong way to handle a broken heart. i guess everyone has to do what's best for them. nothing i say or do is going to "make" him want to be with me. he either will or he won't. lying definitely isn't a good thing to do and i am sure i was just looking for some kind of reaction from him and i got one, albeit a positive one, which made me feel good. of course, it doesn't mean anything so what did it accomplish? nothing.

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Best bet would have been "Yes, I received it, Thanks" and thats it. Let him wonder why you didnt write more, but after all you are supposed to be taking 2-3 weeks away. Remind him of that. It was his idea. Right now he is making sure he has you on the string. Nothing will change as long as he does.


Nothing you can say or do will make him want to be with you, but him seeing you slipping away will make him take a deep thought about what he is losing.

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good advice, puckdog.....


back to square one i guess. if i hear from him again, i am inclined to not respond and if he comes back asking why i'm not responding i will say because i thought we were taking time away, like he requested. wish i had done what you suggested, which is what i was going to say. not sure why i changed my mind.

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good advice, puckdog.....


back to square one i guess. if i hear from him again, i am inclined to not respond and if he comes back asking why i'm not responding i will say because i thought we were taking time away, like he requested. wish i had done what you suggested, which is what i was going to say. not sure why i changed my mind.


Beause in that situation its normal to be afraid you might chase them away. Always remember we want what we dont have.

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haha...but then when you have it again, will you not want it anymore? it's like a vicious circle!


i think i will have the chance to not respond to him as i have a funny feeling i will hear from him again at some point. of course, you never know, too! the good news is that i have not once initiated any contact with him. i have been responding, which probably isn't good. but i haven't reached out to him since our phone conversation.

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haha...but then when you have it again, will you not want it anymore? it's like a vicious circle!


Well, the reconciliations that do work are those who realize what they lost and never want to lose it again. The ones that fail are the ones who get them back when they dont deserve a second chance yet if at all. The ones where getting them back is for the ego, not the heart

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great way to explain that...


may i ask why you are on this board? did you have your heart broken? you have very good insight and give some very good advice.


Its a long story, LOL. I will send you a PM, dont want to hijack your thread.


And remember those who cant do, teach

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