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Feelin weak...thinkin about breaking no contact and could use some support..


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It's day 12 of NC. Im feeling weak and I am thinking of calling her to invite her to hang out soon. I miss her so much it's inexplainable...not having her in my arms is killing me slowly. But I really need a second chance with her; and I can't afford to screw that up.


Im sure you have an idea of what i am going through....can't express how much any advice or support will help me right now.

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well it seems you really want her back, and recognize what you have done. but 12 days is not enough time. if you break NC now you will probably hurt your chances.


keep focusing on what you did to turn her away, and figure out ways to fix it. then in another 1-3 weeks try contact. but not yet, too soon.

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I was very close to breaking NC yesterday myself but resisted. It's so hard - but like the other poster said - its too soon. You can't hurt your situation by waiting a few more weeks - but you can hurt it by contacting too soon. Take it one day at a time...thats all you can do right now.

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I broke it after a little over a week, and got the same answers I got when we split...Just give me some time please. Maybe after some time it will be something we can work through.


So yeah, I still don't know why it happened, breaking NC wasn't really worth it.


At this point, I don't even care. I can't change the situation, so I'm not worrying about it anymore. What's done is done, and it's quite obvious there is nothing I can do to speed up this process.


What I can do, is not give a damn. It's her loss, even if it is just temporary. Since I can't get an answer (should I move on or not) I'm assuming we're done, and moving on. Looking for dates, and living out of the gym.


I'm spending the money I would have spent on dinners/movies/etc on a monthly membership.

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well it seems you really want her back, and recognize what you have done. but 12 days is not enough time. if you break NC now you will probably hurt your chances.


keep focusing on what you did to turn her away, and figure out ways to fix it. then in another 1-3 weeks try contact. but not yet, too soon.

thank you for the advice thethuth....it sounds like what you said is my best bet. I wanted to wait because my gut feeling is that she still needs some time...but it's really hard when you love and miss someone so much.


But yes, Ive realized all the stupid things I did wrong, and theyll never happen again. I just hope she gives me the second chance.


Any ideas on what I should do when I actually end up contacting her?

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I was very close to breaking NC yesterday myself but resisted. It's so hard - but like the other poster said - its too soon. You can't hurt your situation by waiting a few more weeks - but you can hurt it by contacting too soon. Take it one day at a time...thats all you can do right now.

That's a good point...more time can't hurt at all but contacting too soon definitely can. And you're right...take it one day at a time. It kills me being so lost as to what she is thinking though u kno what i mean?

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Trust me, 12 days seems long to you, but it doesn't to her.


Learn from the mistakes of others here. Wait until day 30 and reevaluate.


There is a chance that she will not come back at all. But if you press it, she certainly won't come back.


Just assume it is over, if she comes back it is a blessing.

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