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So I picked up a home enema/douche kit today, I was pretty embarrassed to buy it but I decided just to do it and get it over with. Anyway it seems like it's taking forever to clean down there. I've done it probably six times today, the first five times I didn't go through a whole bag, but more like a quarter or third of the bag each of the 5 times. Then the last time I was able to get through the whole bag.


I have to admit that I was feeling a bit constipated when I started this, sure enough the 4th time into it, I released a bit more than just darker color liquid. Anyway I'm wondering how many times should I do this and should I expect the liquid that I release to eventually be clear? I feel like I've spent the entire afternoon trying to clean down there and I'm getting nowhere. How does anyone possibly have anal sex if it takes hours to clean?

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ick. sorry. this doesn't sound normal.


i have a question - how much water do you drink, and how much fiber do you eat a day? an adult should eat at least 25 grams of fiber today, and most people don't get anywhere near that. eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables. consider a cereal like fiber one, or the fiber one bars. they are delicious and i think will help you stay regular.

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ick. sorry. this doesn't sound normal.


i have a question - how much water do you drink, and how much fiber do you eat a day? an adult should eat at least 25 grams of fiber today, and most people don't get anywhere near that. eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables. consider a cereal like fiber one, or the fiber one bars. they are delicious and i think will help you stay regular.


Normally I try to drink 2-3 liters of water per day. As for Fiber, I have to say I've been ignorant to how much I take with my food, but I guess I better start paying attention. As for Fruits and Vegetables I try to have fresh fruits and nuts in the morning for breakfast and then in the afternoon I usually have a salad with chicken breast. I do tend to deviate from this on weekends however, usually drink socially and eat other things. I think the last thing I ate was BBQ so that might have something to do with this....

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Yes, be careful that you don't overclean. Like the vagina, the rectum has a balance of bacteria that is part of our natural flora. It could leave you open to infection if you clear out all the benign bacteria in an attempt to clean.


Ever remove the mucus membrane from inside your nose or from the back of your throat from sneezing too much or scrapping it with tissue or your finger? It's not a pleasant feeling. That membrane is there for a reason. You could irritate the skin by getting rid of that mucus.


Have you had a professional enema? I don't know any tips but I think it'd be best to get one done professionally. And then after the visit, ask the person who preformed it how to properly do it yourself and see if they have any recommendations for products or techniques. I've heard of porn stars giving themselves a half a dozen enemas before a preformance. Someone must have it mastered.

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I have to say I really did not enjoy this enema stuff...all it did is make a mess and leave things a bit too dry, never saw "clear." NatNat: Excuse my ignorance, are you saying that you've been fine using a laxative and cleaning up around there in the shower as you would do normally after having a bowel movement?

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Sorry, I've never done a douche/enema... I was under the impression you only had to do it once every 2 weeks at the most. Not 6 times a day.


See that's the thing, I'm reading all sorts of different information on the web...one place said I needed to clean until it comes out clear, another place said that enemas are too invasive and that you should just make sure you clean up well in the shower or use an "anal douche" since you're only concerned about the first 10 inches and yet another place said you shouldn't douche at all because it's unhealthy...so I'm really kind of in the dark here. I will say I definitely did not enjoy doing this six times and spending a whole afternoon working on cleaning my nether region when the end result seems to leave me just as dirty as I was to begin with, at least based on what I can see.

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Doing this on regular basis is not good for you, it takes away the beneficial flora from the intestinal system. Your best bet is to get plenty of fiber, water, and exercise on a daily basis. Laxatives are no good either as they can cause dependency and the bowel stops working on it's own. If you want to use an aid/supplement then a bulk forming stool softener like psyllium (Metamucil) is the best and safest option.

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Doing this on regular basis is not good for you, it takes away the beneficial flora from the intestinal system. Your best bet is to get plenty of fiber, water, and exercise on a daily basis. Laxatives are no good either as they can cause dependency and the bowel stops working on it's own. If you want to use an aid/supplement then a bulk forming stool softener like psyllium (Metamucil) is the best and safest option.


Really I just want to whatever is necessary to make sure I'm clean enough to engage in anal sex without having to spend the better part of a day prepping.

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Thank you God for making me a top....


See that's the thing, I'm reading all sorts of different information on the web...one place said I needed to clean until it comes out clear, another place said that enemas are too invasive and that you should just make sure you clean up well in the shower or use an "anal douche" since you're only concerned about the first 10 inches .


Bit optimistic if you ask me but hey, more power to you!



Ps.- Seriously though, 6 enemas a day sounds way, way beyond what's needed for the task. Millions of people are (hopefully) having anal sex as I type this, and I am sure none of them had to turn themselves into human sprinkler systems beforehand. From my experiences at the 'giving' end, you'll be just fine by just going to the bathroom and having a shower beforehand. Seriously.

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Thank you God for making me a top....




Bit optimistic if you ask me but hey, more power to you!



Ps.- Seriously though, 6 enemas a day sounds way, way beyond what's needed for the task. Millions of people are (hopefully) having anal sex as I type this, and I am sure none of them had to turn themselves into human sprinkler systems beforehand. From my experiences at the 'giving' end, you'll be just fine by just going to the bathroom and having a shower beforehand. Seriously.


OMG what a hilarious start to the day! OP, sorry, no idea.

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