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He can be busy, but i cant?


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When i saw my bf last night, he kept asking why i have been so busy this past week and that there must be some other guy.


He mentioned this A LOT!.


There is no one else but him. He says it a lot, some what in a joking tone but its getting old. I think if he really thought there was another guy, he'd be a lot more angry.


This past week i wasn't busy. There wasn't much contact between the both of us. There was a couple of days where there was nothing.


He was busy. He had a few things that were due for his college. I didn't hear from him for a few days so figured he must be busy with it, so sort of 'left him to it'.


When i ask him to do something, (movies, dinner) he is too busy. When i give him space and dont ask, i get accused of having a guy on the side. he also said that he's 'too busy to have someone on the side'.


maybe he speaks before he thinks.


is this right?


He can be busy and have an 'excuse' for it and its all fine, but if i get busy i must have another guy!! I wasn't even busy! he contacted me twice in a week....online too.


We arrange something for the night, and its 6.30pm. I say how about 8 for me to be at his place. he goes 'why 8? have to get the smell of antoher guy off? why not 7?"......30 mins notice! it takes me 25 to get to his house!!


i dont know how to handle it. its done jokenly, but its tiring when it happens so much.

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Why not just show him your post, you've explained yourself well.


I'd ask him whether he trusts you, or not. If not, then ask why he's with someone he doesn't trust. If so, ask him for 10 bucks every time he throws out an off-hand accusation. It's unkind, and it's not funny.


In your corner.

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You need to tell him what's on your mind. Calmly mention this discrepency and tell him that it bothers you. Let him know that you do not want a relationship filled with distrust and that you expect the same respect you give him. If he cannot give these things to you, then you need to reevaluate your relationship.

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We arrange something for the night, and its 6.30pm. I say how about 8 for me to be at his place. he goes 'why 8? have to get the smell of antoher guy off? why not 7?"......30 mins notice! it takes me 25 to get to his house!!


i dont know how to handle it. its done jokenly, but its tiring when it happens so much.

It's not tiring- it's annoying.


That last "joke" he made was inappropriate, degrading, and very disrespectful on all levels. A good boyfriend should know better than to stoop to that level. He is being quite immature and insecure about you both having different schedules... so he resorts to accusation to have you "open" up.


Have you talked to him about why you have been busy? Focusing and succeeding in college is very important and he should respect that reason.


He is expressing no trust toward your relationship. What he's doing is more destructive than helping, especially if he keeps it up. I would feel very bothered by this if I were you.


He's not treating you right. Tell him exactly what you said here. Also tell him to knock it off, grow up, and treat you with more respect. You don't deserve emotional abuse from this guy.

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