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On considering suicde-and considering others


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We are told that if we are consdiering suicide, we should take into account the feelings of those we might leave behind. This is reasonable, but it ignores the fact that there are people, like myself, who don't have anyone-no family,no friends, absolutely no one. I don't know why loneliness and being unwanted has been the curse of my life, but it has. It's just a horrible fact of life. Since I have no one who cares about me, does that mean that my suicide is more "justified". I am probably going to kill myself before the end of this year anyway; but if I had a ton of family and friends, why would my suicide be "more wrong"?

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We are told that if we are consdiering suicide, we should take into account the feelings of those we might leave behind. This is reasonable, but it ignores the fact that there are people, like myself, who don't have anyone-no family,no friends, absolutely no one. I don't know why loneliness and being unwanted has been the curse of my life, but it has. It's just a horrible fact of life. Since I have no one who cares about me, does that mean that my suicide is more "justified". I am probably going to kill myself before the end of this year anyway; but if I had a ton of family and friends, why would my suicide be "more wrong"?


Where do you live? I'll be your friend

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We are told that if we are consdiering suicide, we should take into account the feelings of those we might leave behind. This is reasonable, but it ignores the fact that there are people, like myself, who don't have anyone-no family,no friends, absolutely no one. I don't know why loneliness and being unwanted has been the curse of my life, but it has. It's just a horrible fact of life. Since I have no one who cares about me, does that mean that my suicide is more "justified". I am probably going to kill myself before the end of this year anyway; but if I had a ton of family and friends, why would my suicide be "more wrong"?

I don’t have those things neither but I’m still here… Not sure why though.

What’s going on in your life? Needing to kill your self before the end of the year.

It wouldn’t be justified because I wouldn’t want you dead. I’m just a stranger replying to your post, but I still wouldn’t want you dead. I can be your friend, we already got loneliness and common.

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well seriously, think about this...if no one gave a about you, there would not be anyone here taking what you are saying seriously and would have ignored your post...whether you know the people that care about you or not, there is always someone out there who is going to listen....i have had some points in my life where i felt that no one would care and thought about it..there is alot of times in my life where i am low, but if i ended my life imagine everything that i would be giving up..i would give up meeting someone(wherever that will be) and finding happiness...i would be giving up the experience of having a child(and if you had a child, imagine all the love that you can give him or her that you did not get)..imagine all the people who even casually knew you, would have beat themselves up if they knew that you felt the way you are right now...and you cant say that you dont have family...you may not have immediate family, but there is always some distant cousins or aunts and uncles that you dont reach out to..just remember that if no one cared, you would not be on here reaching out to the thousands of people on the internet knowing that someone is going to hear your cry for someone to care...no matter what time of day you get on the internet, someone will read what you are saying and someone in the world cares..and even one person who cares, is enough to keep you from taking your own life.....(in the past 2 years, I have had 2 cousins who committed suicide...one jumped in front of a train and the other off a bridge into rocks...even though I make my family feel loved when I see them, there is not a day that goes by that i dont think of how much more I could have done to prevent it)...

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Actually, when I wrote that I have no one to turn to, as in friends or family, I really did mean that literally. I kind of find it amusing that people simply can't believe that a person can live and work in this world, and be completely alone. Trust me, I wouldn't make that up.

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Actually, when I wrote that I have no one to turn to, as in friends or family, I really did mean that literally. I kind of find it amusing that people simply can't believe that a person can live and work in this world, and be completely alone. Trust me, I wouldn't make that up.


Do you not have coworkers? Neighbors?


Complete strangers have committed suicide and it has shaken me to my core. If someone I worked with everday offed themselves, I'd have a very hard time dealing with that.

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Actually, when I wrote that I have no one to turn to, as in friends or family, I really did mean that literally. I kind of find it amusing that people simply can't believe that a person can live and work in this world, and be completely alone. Trust me, I wouldn't make that up.


I'm just curious as to your age?


Oh, and you can call me Mac. I'm 41, live in Florida, love video games and cats..


Well, now your not completely alone in the world.

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Friends and family are so intrinsic to our existence and wellbeing ,that i think some people can't quite comprehend that there are an unfortunate few of us who quite literally have noone.

I am desperately alone and i too am planning on ending it by the end of the year.

For what it's worth,and for the time we have left, i'd like to consider you my friend solitaryone

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Friends and family are so intrinsic to our existence and wellbeing ,that i think some people can't quite comprehend that there are an unfortunate few of us who quite literally have noone.

I am desperately alone and i too am planning on ending it by the end of the year.

For what it's worth,and for the time we have left, i'd like to consider you my friend solitaryone

It's weird how people assume you're exaggerating when you tell them you have no one, but then again it's not that they don't understand, they just can't-it is so alien to their life expereince

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