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Confused by the ex's sister - 2 parter


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So it's been about 2 months since I've had no contact with the ex (see previous posts if you care to, but it's a sad situation) and last Friday I run into her sister...saw her in the store and walked away, and she followed me up to the line...we talked a little, none about the ex, and she seemed ecstatic to see me, said her and her boyfriend wanted to hang out with me and that they had been thinking about calling me that weekend...anyways, told her to call me Sunday and still haven't heard from her...which isn't really a problem...no contact I think should be no contact....problem is...the Thursday before called me at 2am...from her new boyfriends house...didn't leave a message...and I didn't talk to her...so now I want to hang out with her sister just to find out what the heck is up....phone calls like that aren't normal at this point, especially from the new guys house, may even be low class...and fact is, the ex is the love of my life....I really don't know what to do here so any advice would be much appreciated....and I've heard from other sources that that would indicate that I am still a part of her life and not to blow it...but there is nothing really to blow right now.....she ended it because I hurt her going through my divorce, and doesn't really understanded the hell that divorce can be, but is it possible that she's still in love with me..she's been with the new guy for going on four months...ack! the confusion.....

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Can you really really write clearly?


I can asure you you're not the only one who is confused. I am ( ) and most readers of your message might be. She is, also!


Please try to take more time to really explain. I'd lov to say something to help.

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