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I have no idea what to do! Advice?


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ok a little background.I work at a college. There is this girl in one of the classes I work in that has been sending some extra glances my way. I have been flirting with her a little as well. I am 25 and if found out throught paying attention in the class that she is 18(just graduated from high school). I always have so much that goes through my head that I seem to doom myself. I think she is cute and have thought that if things keep headed in a positive direction with flirting that I might ask her out. But i started thinking..7 years is a huge difference. Not only age but factoring in maturity level I just dont know if it something I want to get involved with. I also have this nasty habit that I have been unable to kick no matter how hard it try...I care to much what other people will think of me. I don't know what it is but what would happen if I wanted to start dating this girl. What would my friends and family think of it..etc,etc. I dont know I guess im just a little lost and i dont knnow what are some things i should keep in mind or do. I have been single for quite some time and have always done the relationship thing. I really would llike to just date for a while and see who is out there. also a chance to get back into the game after almost 3 yrs of being single. I kind of just want to see what happens and cross that bridge when I get there. Thoughts? Any advice will most likely be helpful.

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Well since you aren't looking for a relationship then I don't see anything really wrong with asking her out to get back into the dating scene. You're right, there is a big maturity difference with someone who just graduated h.s. and someone who is 25. But at the same time you will never know if you don't try, and you will always be left wondering. Maybe going out with her once will confirm your questioning the maturity difference and you won't have to think about her anymore and you can move on to the next girl you want to date. Or, maybe she is actually really mature for her age and something good can come from it.

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