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Yes. I've been seeing one for three months now. Best thing I ever did. They inch out the stopper, tease out all the ghosts, and guide you past them so you're not carrying them around and scared to look over your shoulder anymore. I know it's different in the US but in the UK there's a bit of a stigma attached to seeing a therapist. Stiff upper lip, and all that nonsense. Really, I couldn't give a monkeys if the world and his Mrs knew I was seeing one. I'm a better, braver person now than I could ever have imagined. So yes, therapists = good in my book

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I think if you find one that you "fit" with, they can be extremely helpful. Unfortunately, the only one I've seen was definitely NOT that person so I feel like I got little out of it, despite almost a year of therapy. I kept thinking it would get better, but it never did so I stopped going. I know I need to keep trying, but I don't want to waste any more time/money....at least that's what I keep telling myself......

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I don't think therapists help at all. Most of the time, they just look bored with you rambling on about your issues. They don't tell you the answers, they just listen, which basically means never getting to the bottom of the problem.


I think it's maybe up to us to solve our issues ourselves and we can only learn how to do that with age....

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I don't think therapists help at all. Most of the time, they just look bored with you rambling on about your issues. They don't tell you the answers, they just listen, which basically means never getting to the bottom of the problem.


I think it's maybe up to us to solve our issues ourselves and we can only learn how to do that with age....


It up to us to solve our own issues... no one can tell you how to think or feel- what counseling does is help you work through your issues- theymore or less a guide through your own emotions.


You have to do the work ... you have to bring the focus where it needs to be.


if you go in there and say "i got mad cause i was in traffic" - and all you talk about is why traffic bothers you- thats hardly tackling an issue- its more like complaining about a symptom.


If you think of counseling like going to driving school. You can sit behind the wheel of the car, key in the ignition..but unless YOU put your foot on the gas.. the driving instructor has nothing to work with.

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