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Swine Flu


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My fiancee sister just got over the swine flu and my fiancee had the same symptoms as her so we are thinking he has the swine flu as well. Now Im starting to feel like crap so obviously I have the same thing he has because I live with him. Do you know how long it will take to go away? What were the symptoms that u had if you had it? Did the doctors give you medicein if so what?

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I just had it last week. It sucked. I was medicated with several things, the primary being Relenza in lieu of Tamiflu (was told it could make me naueseous or vomit and when you are that sick the thought of that is nto appealing). I am about 8 days out after being diagnosed I am mostly out of it, I would say 90%, still have a cough slight sore throat and a bit tired at times. Anyway the symtoms are the same as Influenza A:


Fever 100-104

Severe muscle and joint pain

loss of appetite

sore throat


bad dry cough

extreme tiredness (can last for weeks)

runny or stuffy nose.


Get seen as soon as you can as that will help in getting you better faster if you start medication.


Hope you feel better, it's no fun at all.

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I would go to the doctor if I were you two. Swine flu ain't no joke.


You dont go to the doctors...


Its advised not too and because the disease spreads to other people in a doctors surgery.


You phone Emergency numbers if swine flu is suspected.

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You dont go to the doctors...


Its advised not too and because the disease spreads to other people in a doctors surgery.


You phone Emergency numbers if swine flu is suspected.


Here in the US - it's advised to go to the emergency room, actually.


Or call your primary care doctor - this is what I did last week when I had symptoms.

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I have a doctors appt here in a few hours. I just starting to get a twinge of getting it...So thats why I am trying to nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand. I just started to not feel normal this morning so I am not full blowen out sick....Im trying to get as much advice before It gets out of hand that why I am on the PC...thanks.

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In the UK, you phone the Swine flu NHS line. You tell them the symptoms, then you get a code. Which a relative / friend goes to pick up the medicine for you.


Only pregnant women, and people with underlaying health problems go either to the gp or the hospital after calling first to confirm.


Why put other people at risk.

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Here in the US - it's advised to go to the emergency room, actually.


Actually and is it any wonder it is spreading then...


Or call your primary care doctor - this is what I did last week when I had symptoms.


As we are advised in the UK, or of course, phone Emergency numbers...

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If I were you I would call your doctor and see if she/he can put a call in the the hospital and let them know that you are coming to the ER. Chances are, if they talk to your doctor and suspect swine flu, they will not have you wait a long time in the waiting area because of concerns about spreading the virus to others.


You need tests to see if you have the flu virus and if so, if it is the common flu or swine flu. The sooner you address this, the sooner you can start treatment- and if it is not the flu, then you can have piece of mind.


This is not a situation where you should wait for things to get worse or try to diagnose yourself over the internet.


Swine flu ain't no joke.





Please take care of yourself,



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In the UK, you phone the Swine flu NHS line. You tell them the symptoms, then you get a code. Which a relative / friend goes to pick up the medicine for you.


Only pregnant women, and people with underlaying health problems go either to the gp or the hospital after calling first to confirm.


Why put other people at risk.



How can they tell if you have swine flu or not over the phone? You can have all of the symptoms but not have swine flu. There's testing that needs to be done to actually diagnose you.

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Here when I phoned the doctor they said unless the symptoms are severe or you are a high risk individual (other medical problems, young child, older adult) that they were advising people just to stay home and rest. They have been reserving Tamiflu and other anti-viral drugs for high risk individuals.

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THe testing is through blood test and the test results does not come back until a wekk later witch willl be too late. Soo Im going to try to go in and tell them how I feel and hopefully get the medicen and nip this in the bud before it gets bad.

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How can they tell if you have swine flu or not over the phone? You can have all of the symptoms but not have swine flu. There's testing that needs to be done to actually diagnose you.


They don't test you. (That I know of) You just tell them the symptoms over the phone, then they tell you what you should do. Weather you should take normal flu remidies, or you get the code like I said to get the medicine.


And the OP may not be from the UK, but what happens in the uk is basically using your common sense and to not put yourself in a position (if you can help it) to help it spread.


I just don't see how going to the emergancy room, or to a GP if you suspect you have swine flu. Is going to help anyone... It's just going to help it spread


But Schools are back now,

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I had swine flu a couple of months ago. My doctor said it was pretty much the only flu out there right now. They symptoms are pretty much the same as the average flu except 50 times worse. I couldn't speak for like 4 days. The flu lasts for about 10 days. I hope you feel better soon!

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It's not a blood test.. it's nasopharengeal test (swab) and the screening takes about an hour. If that's negative it's sent for a culture (at least where I work) and that can take a few days. In the US, call your county health department if you are not sure what to do in your area. I know around here, they don't want anyone going to work or school (or out in public) if you suspect you have the flu, until 24 hours after no temperature.

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Hm, well you can go to the doctor. I go to KU (where there are a ton of outbreaks) and we aren't even being told to go to the doctors anymore since it might get people in the doctor's offices sick. Pretty much just rest, drink a lot of water and take care of yourself. A lot of the students said it was really just like a regular flu, but a couple of people had it really bad and said it was the sickest they have ever felt. I'm hoping not to get it.

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