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Tell me your dream!


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Ok, it was a painful one.


I dreampt that my ex was breaking up with me all over again, but this time it was in front of his entire family! I told him and his family that I still loved him and asked him not to throw this away. I asked him to look inside himself and see if he still loved me. He said "I guess not because otherwise, I wouldn't leave you." He said he didn't really want to leave, but he wanted space to play videogames with some little boys over the summer and I would have to leave.


Then his house turned into a museum. His brother was handing out tickets for people who could play videogames with my ex. He started to hand me a ticket and said "Here, J, L had this one reserved for you." But before he could hand me the ticket, my ex's dad grabbed it out of his hand and said, "NO. She's no longer invited. Remember? L said he doesn't want her here." So his brother shrugged at me. I tried to hug him goodbye and he backed away like I had the plague. His dad and brother were looking at me like I was a worm.


Then my ex returned and played videogames with a bunch of teenage boys. I could still see him even though I was home in my bed, dying.


It was a horrid dream.

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  • 1 year later...

I rarely remember my dreams, but on occasion if I have trouble getting to sleep in the early morning hours I'll have sleep paralysis (link removed) dreams. I can't move or speak. I'm only able to wake when I jerk my head hard enough in the "dream."


Then I often go back to the same dream again.


Last night, there was some apparition that was just an outline outside my window on the roof. I could only see an outline of it, and it looked like it had a Freddy Krueger (or, for that matter, Tom Landry) hat on. It would signal that it was there by moving my blinds, located to the immediate right of the foot of my bed, up and down. That was the giveaway though. After the second or third time I awoke and fell back to sleep only to meet it again, I realized I was dreaming because my blinds are between the two glass panes in the window, and do not move up and down on a string.


The ghost-thing on the roof taunted me. He said different things each time the dream-re-upped in between wakings. He said he was going to a sweet girl I know's place and do a vulgar thing I can't mention here to her. I couldn't speak, but I could hear myself think out loud, in an otherworldly voice. I told him to come in and say that and that I wasn't afraid. He recoiled and vanished.


I jerked back awake and didn't have the dream again.



Apparently some folks think these are actual demons being seen.

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This morning I had a very strange dream. I had some woman captive / in my custody. I was taking her with me somewhere, and we were in a building, riding a lot of elevators. Then oddly enough, I started to notice how she looked and I felt attracted to her. The dream took on a sexual tone, and then I woke up. I'm not sure if I was myself in the dream. I might have even been a man.

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This dream isn't from last night, but it's one that I've had more than once. I'm in an elevator, and it goes crazy. It goes up and down, side to side, and even swings wildly. I'm kind of scared, but I don't get out because even though the door is always open, I don't see an opening long enough for me to jump out, and I'm just trying to stay on my feet.

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