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how do u get over someone when you have to see them everyday?

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Im not gonna rehash my previous posts but basically me and ex have a 17 month old daughter. She chucked me out of the house 4 weeks ago and is into someone else. She strung me along for 3 weeks then when i had my daughter with me overnight she went out with this other guy then dropped me like a stone.


I still have to see her most days for collecting my daughter etc and it hurts so much to see her and spoils my time with my daughter. Any ideas how to make it easier?

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I rarely give this advice but you seem to be in a situations where you need it. You need to find someone else maybe a few someone elses...you need to reevaluate yourself and know this women you married is simply a * * * * and your better off. I would strongly advise getting into the gym...force yourself...anyway you can. And i really highly recommend going out and meeting new women while your ex has the kids. Random sex can be very therapeutic after a harsh breakup where you have been tossed in the gutter. Sometimes its the only way to convince yourself that THERE are other fish in the sea.

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i liek where u coming from with that not exactly the responce i was expecting lol. I'm starting at the gym tomorrow and i have been sorta seeing someone but my feelings are so confused that i dont know where my head is at.


She has just replaced me like i never existed and tells me all about it with a stupid smile on her face then goes on to say how good im looking shes twisted in the head. I know i should hate her and i do but it doesnt stop the hurt.

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Yeh she can do that but a lot of the the time she insists on dropping her off at mine. She will then get into conversation


Then you insist that you do not want to talk to her. All you are interested in is your daughter; look at her; smile at her; talk to her.

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she keeps cancelling when i can see my daughter aswell no please or thank you just blunt and horrible. She sends me random texts about collecting insignificant things from mine when she has my driving licence, birth certificate and lots of my stuff and claimed everything was hers. I really did get done over by this one but i can see her for what she really is now - poison.

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