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Hi everyone who reads.....


I dont post here much at all, but I read posts quite a bit and I'd like to say thank you to everyone who does post, you've all made my life a lot easier in the last few months. I cant thank you all enough, its so nice to know im not alone.


My ex left me in May. Stayed ''friends'' got a while. Didnt work out. I wanted her back terribly, she didnt want me back. The reason for her leaving me was ''she didnt feel the same anymore''.


Been no contact since the start of August. Not intentional, I just cant be in touch with her anymore. My heart was breaking over and over again being in touch with her.


Uni started again this week, and after a few weeks of feeling a little bit like myself again, I seen her in the street, smiled and said hello, kept on walking out of sight, and then ran into an alley and broke down in tears. She's changed her hair and looked really nice.


Just strange how a 3 year relationship can break down into just ''hello'' in the street. What does everyone else do when (and if) you see your ex?

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Id most likely be the same for my recent ex, try to look strong infront of them but then go in a corner and break out.... we ended things about a month ago.. but just give it time and eventually you will get more then a hello. I dated one of my exs for 5 years and have been broken up for 2 years now and when we bump into eachother we give eachother a big hug hello.

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Im glad im not the only who'd get all emotional and stuff then!


Some people have said I should have ignored her. But, surely by acting cool and nicely saying hi, i've given off a better impression that just ignoring her. I cant let her see how much im hurting inside. Nearly 5 months now, but I still feel awful.


She seemed shocked and surprised when I seen her, probably because she expected me to stop and chat, like I would have done a few months back. Totally didnt wanna give her the satisfaction though!

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Just strange how a 3 year relationship can break down into just ''hello'' in the street. What does everyone else do when (and if) you see your ex?


Haha, that's love.


It's kind of passion that when people are over some sort of broken relationship, people tends to show off with their new life, even not, they pretend.. So they think this will at least bring them some happiness or some sort of victory.


I personally think saying hi to your ex is nothing big deal. But I won't...

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Its sad to be sad sometimes. But when I think about this, I always remind myself that if the end of a relationship doesn't make you cry, it wasn't worth being in in the first place.


You experienced love and the loss of it. Nothing is more powerful emotionally. But the fact that you had it in you to love once, shows that you have it in you to love again.


Good luck with your healing.


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Well I see mine in class two times a week. I feel ya, it hurts so bad seeing them. The bad thing about me is I want back with her (kind of) but she has someone else. Then the last three days I here from her personally she has feelings for me and is scared of this new guy... idk And she's afraid I'm not going to be there for her in the future.. which is true!

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