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Men in their 30's - are you attracted to them?


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So I have resigned myself to the fact that, by the time I finally get a good job with a high salary, I would be 30. In 5 years I must be in a good position. I am at the beginning of that journey. My present job is in the same field but quite low pay so I need some experience to get those kind of jobs.


So are guys in their 30's too old for women in their twenties? Are they not sexy enough? Are they not trendy enough? What do you think? If a 30 year old guy asks you out(who satisfies your requirements), how will you react? Would you reject him based on his age? I don't want to be the creepy guy who hits on younger women. I have enough guilt as it is relating to sex.

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So I have resigned myself to the fact that, by the time I finally get a good job with a high salary, I would be 30. In 5 years I must be in a good position. I am at the beginning of that journey. My present job is in the same field but quite low pay so I need some experience to get those kind of jobs.


So are guys in their 30's too old for women in their twenties? Are they not sexy enough? Are they not trendy enough? What do you think? If a 30 year old guy asks you out(who satisfies your requirements), how will you react? Would you reject him based on his age? I don't want to be the creepy guy who hits on younger women. I have enough guilt as it is relating to sex.


Not at all, I'm in my twenties and my bf is in his thirties. He hit on me, we went out. I think it's fine.

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Women in their 20's are attracted to guys in their 30's, 40's and 50's as long as they fulfill their needs. In fact, if you become extraordinarily successful in your field ($$$) then you will have no trouble picking them up well into your 80's (however at this point you will be the old creepy guy- but who cares).

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Why would you want to date someone in their twenties when you are older?


To answer your question, I'm sure it's easy enough to do...

but seeing as you don't have one person in mind, and you have a few years to go before you actually hit 30, I'm curious to know what actually inspired the query.

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To answer your question, I'm sure it's easy enough to do...

but seeing as you don't have one person in mind, and you have a few years to go before you actually hit 30, I'm curious to know what actually inspired the query.


Well it would take a long time for me to get a good job with a good salary. It will need years of experience. I think it will take 5 years(which is 30).


And why? Well single women in their thirties are hard to find where I live.

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I think it depends on how old they are. There's a big difference between someone who is 21 or 22 and someone who is 26, for example. I'm 21, still in school and I would probably be creeped out. But I think its fine with someone who is out of school or in grad school, so maybe starting around age 24/25 is okay.

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I'm turning 26 and my boyfriend is 36 and I am highly attracted to him. Although there is a large age gap, I see nothing wrong with our relationship. In fact, I think it's the best one I'd ever had. He is much more mature than all the other guys I've dated and I don't have to worry about him too much because he's been there done that.

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I'm very attracted to men in the 30-35 age range. They just don't seem to be interested in anything other than sex with me, which is fine. It just means that a relationship with one would be unlikely. I generally prefer to stick to no more than 5 years older for something more serious.

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I'd say the 30's was the best age for men. They are kinda at the halfway stage in life.....not too young and not too old either.


But age is just a number at the end of the day....and individual character, personality and maturity level, dont have anything to do with age!!....People are what they are, regardless of a number, which is why you can still get men in their forties act like babies!! While some 20 year olds are very mature....

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I actually don't care how old a man is..well..he can't be old enough that I'm as old as his kids! I'd feel quite awkward. If a man makes me happy on all levels and I am thoroughly attracted to him, I don't mind his age. Granted I'd prefer a man closer to my age but I won't complain. I mostly go for men a bit older than I because I can't seem to find a mature guy who's exactly my age or a year ahead of me.

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