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Bad Body Acne Breakout


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I have always had really sensitive skin and would get a pimple here or there on my shoulders, back, and chest. I used to get facial acne too, but I solved that problem now with my own custom regiment and haven't had a pimple for about 8-10 weeks now.


However last Thursday night I changed my sheets on my bed and went to sleep (I try to change my sheets once a week). When I woke up I had nearly uncountable amount of small red pimples primarily on my shoulders and upper back. But they even go as far down as my lower back/ small of my back, some on my chest, and even a couple on my lower neck. I would say at least 50-70 pimples showed up over a few of hours.


I immediately changed my sheets again, and haven't got a new pimple since but the damage is done. I talked to my parents about it and they figure it wasn't the sheets but just regular acne and a regular breakout. But I have never heard of people getting acne all the way down to their waistline and so many in one night. After nearly a week they have shrunk a bit but are still red as ever. Usually pimples like these take 3-4 weeks to go away completely.


What do you guys think? Is it really acne, or something else? Anyone heard of such a thing? The timing couldn't be worse. I have a date at the start of next week with a girl I really like. I am pretty sure we won't be taking out shirts off, but you never know. Her and I get a long great, and have excellent chemistry. I am pretty self conscious of these things now, and it magnified by my very limited dating experience and working at getting my first girlfriend. So I have enough to think about already.


I have always had a problem with this stuff and will probably go to the walk in clinic tomorrow afternoon to see a doctor and see if I can get anything for this (I don't have a regular doctor). Hopefully get something to deal with this problem once and for all. I just wanted to know everyone's opinion.


Thanks everyone.

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I get acne too, sometime when driving for a long time, and the car seats are vinyl or something like that, it will cause a break out, it could have been because of the pressure, causing the pores to clog up.


some foods could cause this, also the sun etc, but from your explanation, id say it was the sheets, that "suffocated" your pores and caused a break out.


if they are small pimples, they should go away fast.


try using sheets that "breath" if you know what I mean, those 1000 threads per inch may feel good, but they dont breath well.

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My husband had a reaction like this a couple of weeks ago - he had pimple-like bumps all over his back and legs and hives. He also has extremely sensitive skin and was very itchy. We figured out that it was his shampoo. Did your parents change detergent or fabric softener recently? Have you started using any different soaps or lotions?

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Update: I went to the doctor today and he figured it was acne too. He prescribed me 3 months of Minocycline to clear up my skin.


Thanks everyone! Positive rep all around!


Sounds like an allergic reaction, maybe there was too much soap or fabric softner in the sheets? You may want to try special fragrance-free laundry soap and put sheets and your clothing on an extra rinse.


No I don't use fabric softener. But it is possible there was too much soap. Thanks for the advice.


If it's not itching then it's probably not allergy.


They are not itchy at all.


My husband had a reaction like this a couple of weeks ago - he had pimple-like bumps all over his back and legs and hives. He also has extremely sensitive skin and was very itchy. We figured out that it was his shampoo. Did your parents change detergent or fabric softener recently? Have you started using any different soaps or lotions?


No that is why my parents think it was acne. Literally nothing changed for a long while. I know I must be boring.


If it isn't an allergy, then I'd question what you did that day. Did you sweat a lot? Was it really hot or humid out? What did you eat?


Bingo! This is why I think I get these breakouts. I do sweat a lot more than the average person. If everyone is in hoodies and sweat shirts I am completely comfortable in a tee shirt. It was very hot and humid out that day, and I was at work where I sweat a lot. Also we don't have air conditioning, so I just have my small fan on me. I sweat while I sleep. So the sweat probably glogged my pores like Gilgamesh said.

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hm. so he prescribed a 3 month course of a broad spectrum antibiotic for some back-ne? hm. personally, this isn't the path i would have chosen, then again, i'm a microbiologist, not a physician. I've noticed whenever i am on antibiotics for an infection, my skin clears up nicely as well. well, that's good, but 3 months of an antibiotic, it can affect you in other ways, including killing your beneficial bacteria, which can definitely cause problems. be careful.


have you ever just tried using a body wash with salicylic acid in it? like the Clean and Clear or Neutrogena bath washes?

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my 13yr old has been prescribed tetralysal 300mg caps one daily for 3 months also duac gel to be used on affected areas once daily.


i have heard antibiotics are harmful but have heard taking probiotic drinks/yoghurt can re balance any harm which may be caused.


she has bad acne face and shoulders.



there was a program on british tv about a well known chain of furniture shops that has recently closed down due to the leather the suites are made from causing rashes due to chemicals used to treat the leather.

anyone in contact with leather?

these suites date back approx 5 yrs.


i think fabric suites were also a problem.

is it alright to say the chain of shops that were featured on the program

if anyones concerned?

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