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I am young as you can see. I have matured really fast I mean real fast. I am 12 weeks pregnant and I dont know what to do. I dont know how to tell my dad/mom. the real reason I got pregnant was because my 2o year old sister is pregnant and everyone does everything for her.(my mom does cause that is not my dads kid)(my mom and ddad are split up...not even friends). I do not believe in abortions to you think i should start? What would you do if you were im my position? H E L P

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if you dont believe in abortion then i dont think that you should start, if you think that you can look after the child, get a good education and that is what you want then you should keep it and not have the abortion


there are other options which i think you know about such as giving your child up for adoption once he/she is born or maybe you could put him/her up for foster so that once you have finished you secondary education then you can look after them, it is really up to you.


as for telling your parent i would seriously tell them, how long have you know? the longer you leave it the harder it will be to tell them and soon you wont be able to hide it anyway. how about the father, does he know? maybe he and his family could help you.


hope this help, just remember to stick with what you believe

~LJ =;

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well honey, i mean i think that you will have to tell them sooner or later. if you don't they will find out anyway, it will be a bit obvious. um gosh, i don't really know that much about what is going on with you though, but i would do anything i could to help, and if you want to talk about it that would be totally okay with me, im only 3 years older then you so you don't have to think that im some old person who doesn't think well of that or anything, im so totally here for you anytime. okay! so just Private message me and we can talk whenever you want.

love ya,


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Talking to your parents will help you more than you think. They will be able to discuss your options with you, and assist you better than any of us can with the big decisions you will need to make in the near future.


Just remember one thing, you are NOT nasty, ugly, or dirty. You have had a rough time, and will continue to, so i think it will be best to get any help available to you. There is nothing wrong with needing help. Your parents will be able to help, and I think that they are the best place to start.


Like was said before, the longer you wait to tell your parents the harder it will get. You also need to get yourself to a doctor, because you need to be concerned about your health and the health of your baby if you decide to have the child.


There are a lot of couples out there who cannot have children that would be wonderful parents if that is the route that you want to take. I have a friend that had a baby at your age, and she decided to keep it. With the help of her parents she was still able to finish school, and raise a wonderful child.


Just don't let anyone think that you don't have any choices, you DO have choices. Just make sure to make the right ones for you, and the child you are carrying.


Everything will turn out okay

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey hun, i'm an 18 year old girl (using my bro's screenname) and i want to give you some encouragement. you should definitely tell your parents, the sooner the better. as far as abortion goes, i think it is morally wrong. i consider it just as bad as murder. right now your baby has a heartbeat and is developing. do you really want to destroy this little gift from God? i'm not trying to preach or anything. my cousin went through this when she was young. her parents have helped her out through everything and she now has a beautiful little boy. i'm so glad she chose to keep him, and i pray you will too. love ya!



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