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Need Support: help me find the courage to take my ex, his friends and family off of my Facebook

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Its been around four months since our split. My ex dumped me when I had a tumor, said he never wanted to marry me, and that if I were to ever get pregnant I would have to have an abortion.


Those seem like reasons enough to block him. Up until this point I have kept him and everyone else on there to appear neutral. I know that sounds weird, but I want him to think that I don't care.


At the beginning of the break up I put up really nice pictures of myself. A lot of guys complimented them, I feel silly now.


Please help me find the courage to rid myself of him completely.

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I've read your story before, and you don't need this guy in your life. He even put up a face to hide what he did to you from his friend. You could have just gone ballistic and told everyone what he did, but you kept civil. I see why you shouldn't get rid of him now. You are clearly very attractive woman, and can easily move on with a better choice, who would need anything that holds you back? Just take them down. Do it, do it!


Good luck!

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I've read your story before, and you don't need this guy in your life. He even put up a face to hide what he did to you from his friend. You could have just gone ballistic and told everyone what he did, but you kept civil. I see why you shouldn't get rid of him now. You are clearly very attractive woman, and can easily move on with a better choice, who would need anything that holds you back? Just take them down. Do it, do it!


Good luck!


Thank you, I just deleted him. I'm not sure who to delete next! Clearly, when he said that he wanted to be friends that was BS, right? I haven't heard from him in four months

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It felt good when I removed all of my ex's friends.... I ALMOST kept the ONE friend of hers that is single, and who I had met first. My ex was always worrisome that I had always wanted her friend instead, and just settled. She was wrong, but I thought that would be a bit of a lark to leave her on as my friend, while removing the rest. *LOL*

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I highly recommend that you go through and delete everyone and everything (untag photos) that reminds you of him. I am at the three month point as of yesterday and I am very happy that unfriending my ex and her sister was one of the first things that I did. Untagging myself from photos also proved to be a good thing, as just looking at them was enough to send me spiraling. There are plenty of other issues that I am still having in my breakup, but at least the temptation afforded by facebook is gone. You will thank yourself for doing it. I promise.


Bottom Line: Go nuts! Delete all that reminds you of him, aside from real friends (as many people have already suggested).

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It doesn't matter what they think of you. Focus on yourself and what is best for you.


Eliminating someone from Facebook is really not that big of a deal in the overall scheme of life. Anyone who is a true, close friend or family member can easily pick up the phone or send you an email if they need to reach you.

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Sooner you do it...better it is going to be for you.......I deleted my ex and all her friends in a jiffy and even blocked them from facebook so that even by mistake I don't land in their terittory or vice versa...

If something is hurting you get rid of it....Imagine it this way...If something is harmful for your body and health you will avoid it all costs similarly if something is bad for your emotional and mental well being...avoid it.

Block her immediately

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Sooner you do it...better it is going to be for you.......I deleted my ex and all her friends in a jiffy and even blocked them from facebook so that even by mistake I don't land in their terittory or vice versa...

If something is hurting you get rid of it....Imagine it this way...If something is harmful for your body and health you will avoid it all costs similarly if something is bad for your emotional and mental well being...avoid it.

Block her immediately


I already blocked him and I have slowly been weeding out the toxic friends. One problem---his former best friend is my neighbor.

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