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What else do I need to do to lose weight FAST?!


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I've gained a lot of weight in my stomach/butt/thigh area in the past year and I've been trying to eat less and better and exercising for the past two weeks but I've hardly noticed any results other than my stomach is a bit smaller but not much, my legs ache from exercising and I get headaches from not eating as much. What else can I do/eat to see results faster ESPECIALLY in those areas?


Right now, I am eating special k cereal for breakfast (I measure it out and everything), usually fruit and a yogurt for lunch and then chicken or turkey and vegetables for supper and drinking basically nothign other than water and milk. For exercises, I do stretches, numerous leg lifts, and crunches for half an hour each night.

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You could possibly be getting a bit of muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. I'm on the same boat as you. I've been eating less, exercising daily and I've been seeing slow progress. I presume slow and steady wins the race. You have to remind yourself that you shouldn't starve yourself either.

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Starvation diets will help you lose weight fast, but they're not sustainable. Most people will gain all the weight back if they lose it quickly.


You should cut back the amount of calories you're eating back by a couple-a-hundred and do it slowly. That way you can make it more of a lifestyle change as opposed to a temporary weight loss diet. Use a food journal to track what you're eating. I've surprised myself quite a few times by how much it really is. I use the one at link removed.


I should take my own advice too.

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Skim milk might be a better choice for losing weight, yogurt with granola, fresh juices, grilled cheese every now 'n then, anything else grilled, no soda which is like drining liquid fat, hard boiled eggs, oatmeal, staying away from sugary cereals etc etc. Getting an exercise routine and sticking to it

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Have you looked into a body cleanse? I'm currently trying it right now, but I heard it's good to do so once in awhile. You'll be surprised at all the waste that's still stored in your body.




You know, I've done it too (the master cleanse). But I heard that scientists are now saying that it's BS and that the body cleans itself.


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Be patient, it took you more than 2 weeks to get where you are at so it's going to take more than two weeks to lose it.

All of the suggestions above are really great. I agree about skim milk or no milk, a lot of people have an intolerance to dairy, which causes bloating and weight gain.


Smaller meals, high protein, staying away from starches/pasta/bread/rice and especially sugar is important...

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water .. water ... water and more water....


i lost over 100lbs without pills or surgery .. i did it the old fashioned eat right and exercise..


when i was at a stand still..i would up my water intake and the lbs would start coming off.


so my advice.. incorporate more water into your diet.


That is awesome HHWH! Good for you!! I am impressed.

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Get up 1/2 hour earlier everyday. Start with drinking a large glass of cool water mixed with about 2 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice. Do some very brisk walking with the rest of your 1/2 hour - outside preferably.


I guarentee this will help


Those other suggestions were good too.



how does this help? - just curious

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You know, I've done it too (the master cleanse). But I heard that scientists are now saying that it's BS and that the body cleans itself.



I think it really depends on the product you use. I don't believe that it's all BS to be honest because I've heard good reviews from people who's done it. Surely, they also say that veggies will actually help the body cleanse in itself, but sometimes you need a little more, just my opinion.

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I think it really depends on the product you use. I don't believe that it's all BS to be honest because I've heard good reviews from people who's done it. Surely, they also say that veggies will actually help the body cleanse in itself, but sometimes you need a little more, just my opinion.


which one are you doing?

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which one are you doing?


At the moment, I'm still fairly new in this so I'm doing the Renew First Cleanse. I think I may try the Colonix next. So far I haven't seen any side effects, and there's a slight change in my bowel movement and I have a little more energy. Again, different products works for different people. I think it's just a matter of finding one that's more suitable for you.

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At the moment, I'm still fairly new in this so I'm doing the Renew First Cleanse. I think I may try the Colonix next. So far I haven't seen any side effects, and there's a slight change in my bowel movement and I have a little more energy. Again, different products works for different people. I think it's just a matter of finding one that's more suitable for you.


I did the master cleanse.... the one with the lemonade thing.... could not leave the bathroom.... and since i leave on campus, well, that just was not pretty.

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Lol, I am admitting that I watch daytime t.v. here...


Yesterday on the Tyra show, there was a man on who is releasing a weight loss program in 2010. His biggest suggestion was to cut back the amount of sugar you are eating - to aim for 15 grams of sugar a day. I am going to try this.


Also, a few years ago, I lost 35 lbs by reducing my calorie intake to 1800 calories a day (no less than 1500). This was doctor-recommended, but might be different for you. It is all about portion control.


You should definitely stay active and keep exercising, but changing your eating habits is the most important step to losing body fat. You won't lose anything if you keep eating high amounts of sugar and calories (not that you are, I am just making a point).

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Well im not sure how well it works entirely, but ive been readin up on the whole Acai berry kick and it seems promising, a good friend of mine has been eating/drinking it for the last 3 weeks and has lost something like 15-20 lbs, but its not all attributed to the Acai berry blend, she fell off a cliff hiking and her arm was pretty torn up, she's been bedridden for a while but we plan on playing football later today, i wont allow her to stress that arm!

in another case, my friends mom had started trying it and shes been losing weight as well, nothing as dramatic, like 8 pounds over the same time period


But i agree with everyone else thats said about drinking more water. Water does wonders for your body, and although some people say that starving (fasting) is bad for you, thats not entirely true. fasting for too long will make your body begin to eat away at your muscles, but a one day fast, where you eat nothing and only drink water, just about every month seems to be beneficial, just make sure you dont splurge the next day once you wake up, kinda counterproductive

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I wouldnt go looking for a quick fix - doing it slowly and sensibly (healthy diet and exercise) is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. you need something maintainable.


you also dont seem to be eating much at all - perhaps slot in a healthy mid morning and mid afternoon snack (fruit, unsalted nuts) to keep your metabolism going and proper, substantial healthy meals to avoid feeling unwell from hunger.

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I wouldnt go looking for a quick fix - doing it slowly and sensibly (healthy diet and exercise) is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. you need something maintainable.


you also dont seem to be eating much at all - perhaps slot in a healthy mid morning and mid afternoon snack (fruit, unsalted nuts) to keep your metabolism going and proper, substantial healthy meals to avoid feeling unwell from hunger.


this is sensible advise... it took me about 5-6 years to lose my 100lbs..i did it SLOW and let my body naturally adjust to the changes.


its better that way- you keep it off - not only because your body adjusts slowly but also because you learn new habits.

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