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I Need More Than He Can Give


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Thanks emmyems. I feel/felt the same way.


I feel stupid that I wasn't strong enough to walk away months ago. I knew he wasn't going to give me any more - no matter how maturely and nicely I asked for just little things. I knew I deserved better. But I accepted less b/c I didn't want to be alone. I kept the mindset that at least I had "someone" - but really - how much did I have him?

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There are a lot of guys like this around, a lot of "left overs" at this age, who dont know how to treat other human beings in the right way. Theykind of act liek girlfriends should be seen and not heard, and as soon as you ask for something you are "needy" and if you get mad- you are "psycho"


Its all BS.

This is what worries me - the "leftovers" who dont know how to treat other people right. I look around and good, decent guys are in relationships, and the ones who aren't - well theres a reason they aren't. Selfish, deceitful, loners or just completely dysfunctional. Yes I know I'm making huge generalizations - but its really disconcerting to me. Like now that I am getting older, am I going to be able to meet a guy and have a decent functional relationship or is this just a pipe dream?

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This is what worries me - the "leftovers" who dont know how to treat other people right. I look around and good, decent guys are in relationships, and the ones who aren't - well theres a reason they aren't. Selfish, deceitful, loners or just completely dysfunctional. Yes I know I'm making huge generalizations - but its really disconcerting to me. Like now that I am getting older, am I going to be able to meet a guy and have a decent functional relationship or is this just a pipe dream?


I think that way too sometimes - the classic "all the good ones are taken" thoughts. But all those good guys - there's a chance that some of them have girlfriends who treat them disrespectfully too, the way we've been treated. Maybe they too feel that they are clutching at straws, and sadly their relationships are doomed to fail, because SHE can't give him what HE needs. And eventually we'll find them and they'll find us, and we can give each other what the other needs. I just try to have faith that it will all work out in the end.

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