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Is this a normal amount for a 6 month relationship?


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I have to wonder why you are so focused on the sex issue when the REAL issue is that he is not making time for you. The sex is just a symptom of the real problem here. He seems to want to have the status of having a girlfriend without having to put in the work. He doesn't spend much time with you and is basically almost throwing you out the door when you do arrive. I often see this on this forum where people are so focused on whether or not they are getting sex and totally not seeing the bigger picture which is the quality of the relationship itself. I think it is time for you to reconsider this relationship because he is not making you a priority in his life and even when you see him he is making it clear that he has a limited amount of time for you to be there. He is not a good boyfriend.

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Ever stop to think, that he may not be 'highly' sexed....


Just because people are not banging away 24/7, doesnt mean they are abnormal, they dont fancy you, they have another woman, they are gay, they have issues....blah de blah....


Maybe he isn't. If he isn't fine.


I dont expect to be having sex 24/7. I dont want to. While there is a bigger issue than sex, we are still in that 'honeymoon phase' and there should be more sex than what we are having.


I know it doesn't mean that. I wasn't suggesting that. I was suggesting with other circumstances going on in MY SITUATION it could be very possible

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Ever stop to think, that he may not be 'highly' sexed....


Just because people are not banging away 24/7, doesnt mean they are abnormal, they dont fancy you, they have another woman, they are gay, they have issues....blah de blah....


Yeah, but there's quite a difference between 24/7 and 2-3 times a month.

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A coworker gave me the DVDs and materials to do P9OX that crazy workout that's on TV. Its something I can do at home so its perfect for me. I did the first routine today and my whole body is sore. Hopefully this also helps me fall asleep tonight. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow haha.

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