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In second trimester could you tell when you're uterus has "popped"?


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It looks more like the shape of the uterus causing the problems.


I am so lucky to have him. He is my rock and I know without him I'd be falling apart even more. I'm trying to stay strong but on the inside I feel like mush.


How're things going for you arwen?


Oh, I know, I have a great man myself and I don't know what I'd do without him. It's dark times like this that also make you extra-aware how well you can rely on each other.


That the shape of the uterus is a problem is not so good news, on top of the fibroids... but at least you know what's going on now- you can look for treatments.


I am ok (thanks for asking A bit nervous for the 20 week ultrasound which is in 4 days...

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Going back to work today is awful. I did not want everyone to know I was even pregnant before but my boss couldn't keep her mouth shut, even with me repeatedly telling her I wanted to wait to tell people. Now I have to face everyone asking me how I'm doing. This sucks!

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Oh that is really awful of her. You asked her to NOT tell. I am sorry Chasey. Do you think taking a few days off/sick days would help? In Holland there are special regulations for pregnancy related sick-leave (it doesn't count for the employer as 'sick'). Of course you're hurting too much to deal with innocent questions about your pregnancy.

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Oh that is really awful of her. You asked her to NOT tell. I am sorry Chasey. Do you think taking a few days off/sick days would help? In Holland there are special regulations for pregnancy related sick-leave (it doesn't count for the employer as 'sick'). Of course you're hurting too much to deal with innocent questions about your pregnancy.



I have my door closed so I'm hoping that will show everyone I don't want to talk about it.

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Ugh! How inappropriate of your boss, I would be so angry if I were you. I'm glad you are able to close your door, hope you can get through the day. We're thinking of you.





Her doing that totally ruined any relationship we had, now I don't even want to talk to her. When she said she was going to tell everyone that day I told her no I still wanted to wait, on the way out of her office laughing to tell everyone she said, oh everythings going to be fine. I really hope she feels like * * * * now!



Well the day is half over...

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I'm so sorry that your boss is acting like a total jerk!


That was so rude of her and I hope that she learned her lesson, although I wish that it wasn't at your expense.


I agree that it would be good if you could take some time out if you need to. You have enough on your plate and you don't need nosey people rubbing salt in your wounds.

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Thanks girls,

As long as people don't ask me questions it's kinda nice to have work to do to keep me busy. I'm thinking by the end of the day the questions will stop and they're going to have it out of their system.

Sitting at home with nothing to keep me busy is too harsh, too much time to think, and wander, and think, and cry and pout and worry and drive myself crazier than I already am.

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Yeah I can imagine that- at home there's too much time and emptiness in a way. I really hope you'll have a concrete idea of how they can treat the condition/shape of the uterus. You'll be a great mommy to a gorgeous kid, I am sure (echoing dangletsbang here ).

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So just got back from my dr apt and she said that all four ultrasounds I've had since April don't show any sign of a heart shaped uterus. The dr that did my d&c and told me when he first met with me, before doing the d&c that my uterus was shaped like that. My dr today said she's not sure where he got that from, maybe because the ultrasound tech had noted that my uterus was "abnormal" shaped, which is because of the fibroids.


Anyway, now just have to wait to get apt with the specialist to remove fibroids.


Then hoping for the best after that (fingers and toes crossed).


Oh, and here's a sick coincidence, the day my boss ran around the office telling everyone I was pregnant (after me saying no I didn't want to tell people yet and her telling me to stop worrying everything would be fine) was the day the baby stopped growing!

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I am sure if they remove them you will have a good chance Chasey. I know people who had that done they were able to have a baby. I think however you have to give your uterus a rest for at least 6 months after surgery so it has time to heal. Big Hug


I believe I have to wait four weeks between the d&c and having anything else done. Then, yeah, I was thinking there would be a wait before ttc again.

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I believe I have to wait four weeks between the d&c and having anything else done. Then, yeah, I was thinking there would be a wait before ttc again.


Yes you have to wait. Also too because your pregnancy was somewhat advanced. I was told to wait 3 cycles if I wanted to try again. It took me 6 months to even get my period back. I had all the pains at the right time but no flow. In fact it was like giving birth when I had menstral cramps after the D&C. Far beyond normal.They were so painful and contracting I could not even go pee. Just now I am getting to the point that it is liveable pain. After 3 miscarriages and the last REALLY painful experience and my age and health this baby factory is closed. I really hope that you get your wish!! If you do not have too many you have a good chance.

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Yes you have to wait. Also too because your pregnancy was somewhat advanced. I was told to wait 3 cycles if I wanted to try again. It took me 6 months to even get my period back. I had all the pains at the right time but no flow. In fact it was like giving birth when I had menstral cramps after the D&C. Far beyond normal.They were so painful and contracting I could not even go pee. Just now I am getting to the point that it is liveable pain. After 3 miscarriages and the last REALLY painful experience and my age and health this baby factory is closed. I really hope that you get your wish!! If you do not have too many you have a good chance.



I wander if we should have waited longer after my miscarriage in April?! The dr had said it was ok to try again right away at that time. I was pregnant again before I even got my next period.

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I wander if we should have waited longer after my miscarriage in April?! The dr had said it was ok to try again right away at that time. I was pregnant again before I even got my next period.


I wouldn't worry about that too much, Chasey. Our bodies have ways of regulating themselves, and if your body wasn't ready to get pregnant again it would not have ovulated. Your doctor will let you know how long to wait after your myomectomy to TTC. Best wishes and I hope everything works out for you.

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Yes, I was told to wait 3 cycles with both the miscarriages, and two doctors said different things when I'd had Sophie. One said 3 cycles, the other said 6.


I dont think you not waiting would have caused this to happen! I didn't wait 3 cycles after Sophie at all, I had a 10day cycle, and a 21day cycle then I was pregnant.


I never had a d&c though,

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I agree with Hope and Belladonna. When we started TTC I was underweight. I asked my doctor if that was risky, she simply said that if my body fat was too low, I wouldn't get pregnant at all. So I managed to gain properly, and I got pregnant when my bmi was healthy again My doctor is a firm believer in that your body regulates itself. Of course, now that you know of this condition, I wouldn't TTC before the surgery. But I am sure that this is in no way due to not waiting. I know plenty of people from the pregnancy boards who got pregnant straight away after a mc. But in those cases it was due to a development in the fetus, not to some condition of the uterus.

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