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In second trimester could you tell when you're uterus has "popped"?


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Two hours before my ultrasound.


I really hope we see that heartbeat! Laying there yesterday when the dr was trying to find it with the doppler I was just praying please please but she couldn't find it. She did say before she even tried that it might be too early. Then there's the extra "padding" I already have that could be making it harder to find. lol


Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed. Will update as soon as I can.


It was encouraging when the dr said my uterus has moved up, from what I read that happens about 12-13 weeks, so that would be right on schedule. So maybe everythings fine!


Sometimes this early it is hard to find the HB with a doppler, so try not to worry.


I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

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There's no heartbeat


We knew the risk with the fibroids covering so much of my uterus, but it sure doesn't make this any easier.


Waiting for a call from hospital now to get time for a D&C tomorrow.


I feel like this is just one more thing I can't do right. It really really hurts.

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Ohhhhhhhh honey I am SO sorry. I wish there was a way to make you feel better. I know it is SO hard and so heart breaking. I am praying for you. There are no words that will make it the least bit better, but know that you are thought of and cared for and we are here if you needed us. You can PM me if you ever want to. I know exactly how you feel.

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There's no heartbeat


We knew the risk with the fibroids covering so much of my uterus, but it sure doesn't make this any easier.


Waiting for a call from hospital now to get time for a D&C tomorrow.


I feel like this is just one more thing I can't do right. It really really hurts.


Oh my god... I am so sorry chasey. It hurts to read the pain in your message, I can't even imagine how you must feel.


I wish there was something I could do. What Hope says of course also holds for me- we can talk anytime. Whatever you need.



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Other than the awful pain in my chest I almost feel numb.


Keeping busy cleaning my house is helping.


Thanks so much for listening everyone. I know I probably seem so whiney sometimes, I know there's alot of people that have gone through alot worse than this. I just want you all to know how much a I appreciate all your responses.

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Other than the awful pain in my chest I almost feel numb.


Keeping busy cleaning my house is helping.


Thanks so much for listening everyone. I know I probably seem so whiney sometimes, I know there's alot of people that have gone through alot worse than this. I just want you all to know how much a I appreciate all your responses.



you do NOT seem whiny at all. I can't even begin to imagine just how painful this must be.


we're here. and you are not whiny.


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Your not whiney at all hun xx. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Losing a baby at any stage in pregnancy is horrific. No parent should ever ever have to go through it.


When I read this last night I didn't know what to say. All I wanted to do was give you a big hug. Nothing anyone will say or do will make the pain easier. You have every right to grieve.


I'm thinking of you xxx. And there is help out there for people who suffer the loss of a child, and they are really amazing people who go to them. They are there if you need them xxx. And I'm always just a PM away if you need to talk xxx.


Be gentle on yourself xxx

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Thx again everyone for all the hugs.

I'm at home now after the D&C but pretty tired so am going to go rest soon.

Looks like I'll have to wait awhile and see the specialist again and hopefully he'll be able to take care of the fibroids and another problem that's come up with my uterus. If not things don't look good.


Big hugs back at all of you for being so great!!

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The fibroids should be able to be removed.


I'm not as foggy as earlier today. Got my advil and am trying to relax on the couch, without thinking about our little baby being gone or being scared of not being able to have a good pregnancy. Lots of thoughts going through my head.

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The fibroids should be able to be removed.


I'm not as foggy as earlier today. Got my advil and am trying to relax on the couch, without thinking about our little baby being gone or being scared of not being able to have a good pregnancy. Lots of thoughts going through my head.


((HUGS)) just keep resting. if it's any consellation, i do know people who have miscarried who have then gone on to have healthy pregnancies and babies. i hope it happens for you too. just one day at a time right now. feel better.

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would you mind sharing what the doctor said about your uterus?


is your SO home with you?



He said I have a heart shaped uterus and there's a section/flap, I can't remember the exact term he used, that goes down the middle. May be able to remove some of it but will have to see specialist to look into it further. Will be doing that same time as get in to look at my fibroids. With it the way it is now there's no way I could carry to term.


Yeah, he's here with me.

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You are such a strong person chasey. I don't know how I'd handle this- it's very good that you also have a great man next to you. So it's not just the fibroids, but also the shape of the uterus, or did I not understand correctly? I hope you'll soon have hopeful news regarding all of this.



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You are such a strong person chasey. I don't know how I'd handle this- it's very good that you also have a great man next to you. So it's not just the fibroids, but also the shape of the uterus, or did I not understand correctly? I hope you'll soon have hopeful news regarding all of this.




It looks more like the shape of the uterus causing the problems.


I am so lucky to have him. He is my rock and I know without him I'd be falling apart even more. I'm trying to stay strong but on the inside I feel like mush.


How're things going for you arwen?

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