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In second trimester could you tell when you're uterus has "popped"?


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I've read that the uterus usually "pops" by the end of 12 weeks. I was just wandering if any of you out there could really tell when that happened. Did it feel different, more pressure?


I've noticed I've been feeling a little bigger and little more pressure a little above my pelvic bone for the last few days.


I also had some brown spotting once today, which after my last miscarriage, kinda freaked me out. Although I have no cramping or pain or decrease in symptoms so am telling myself not to worry.


Anyway, I'd be interested in hearing your stories about how you felt once your uterus popped and you actually started feeling pregnant.

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I have never heard of a uterus popping. The brown spotting is most likely nothing to worry about if it was red then worry. Every woman has different feeling during their pregnancy.


If you are truley still worried though just give your doctor a call they can reassure you.

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I've read the term "popping" used to describe when the uterus grows big enough to move up out of the pelvic cavity.


I'm doing a bunch more reading on spotting in second trimester and it seems to be nothing unusual. My sister even said she was spotting all through one of her pregnancies.

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I experienced dropping toward the end of the pregnancy. I don't recall exactly when, but not at 12 weeks. It is something that happens in preparation for giving birth. I remember waking up one morning and my belly was much lower. All of a sudden, I had stretch marks underneath my abdomen. I don't believe that spotting is associated with this, but I believe spotting can occur for various reasons, although I didn't have it.

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I'm 13 1/2 weeks so no I'm not talking about when the baby drops.


I'm talking about when the uterus has grown large enough to fill the pelvic cavity and moves up over the pelvic bone. When you really start to show you are pregnant. When you have a pregnant belly.


I've been anxious to start to actually look pregnant and feel the bump. Maybe I'm just weird and the only one.

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At first it was more subtle. Just a little bump, and then a bit bigger. I thought it would be easy to wear regular clothes that were cut bigger. But, eventually, that didn't work. I remember the second trimester as the greatest. I actually have older kids--22 and 17, so it's been a while! Doesn't seem that long ago, though. Time does fly.

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I don't remember this happening to me! Only way I knew I was pregnant was because people kept telling me! and the baby moving eventually. I just didn't FEEL pregnant!


But 13weeks Chasey!!! Thats so exciting!


I didn't start showing with Sophie, but then I only made it to 23+6 weeks, this pregnancy I had a slight bump at 17 weeks. I'd never been so happy at the thought of getting fat!

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I was already a little overweight before so I guess I've been just wandering if it's more baby bump now than just excess weight. My stomach does feel harder so I've been thinking maybe.


I know I'm looking for signs and symptoms more so as reassurances that things are progressing good. I really really don't want to lose this one too!!!

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hard bellys are all due to evil babies!


It's completely normal for you to worry after what you've been through. xxx I am still worried now, and I've less than 5 weeks to go.


I think its awesome that you show. It makes it all feel so real. Even now when I'm fat, and if my spd isn't bothering me. I have to look down at my bump to make sure I'm still pregnant!

If your anything like me, as soon as the babies wiggling inside of you. Your going to encourage that so much!! I poke my belly so much, I'd not be shocked if the baby has finger marks all over him when he's born =D


Just take each day as it comes. Each day is one step closer to holding your little baby.


Do you think you'll find out the sex when you have the 20week scan?

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hard bellys are all due to evil babies!


It's completely normal for you to worry after what you've been through. xxx I am still worried now, and I've less than 5 weeks to go.


I think its awesome that you show. It makes it all feel so real. Even now when I'm fat, and if my spd isn't bothering me. I have to look down at my bump to make sure I'm still pregnant!

If your anything like me, as soon as the babies wiggling inside of you. Your going to encourage that so much!! I poke my belly so much, I'd not be shocked if the baby has finger marks all over him when he's born =D


Just take each day as it comes. Each day is one step closer to holding your little baby.


Do you think you'll find out the sex when you have the 20week scan?


lol I can't wait to feel the baby moving.

My sister was joking last night that with all my worrying the baby is going to come out and ask for a drink to relax!


Thanks for reminding me to take one day at a time. I seemed to of lost track of that concept and need to get back on it!


We're going to wait until baby is born to find out the sex. We both really want a girl, but obviously will be happen with a healthy baby no matter what it is.

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Hey chasey!


Update here: my belly popped at 15-16 weeks. Well... it started at 12 weeks (the uterus starts to climb up from then on). And I felt movements quite early, also around 16 weeks starting with a bit of a bubbly feeling, and now it's clearly kicks that I've felt even on the outside with my hand (with a bit of pressure). It's AMAZING!!!


I am glad your pregnancy is going well. It's also great to have a bit of company here


Here's a pic of last week at 18 weeks. I am up for my 20 week ultrasound in a week, almost halfway the pregnancy, omg time flies now

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Well I was spotting again today, called my dr and they said it was a good idea to go into emerg. (I was right and my uterus has moved up to a couple inches below my belly button.) The dr there tried to hear heartbeat with the doppler and couldn't find one, she said it could be just to early or could be cuz of the positioning of baby. She did an internal exam and my cervix is closed and good. I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning at 11:15, wish it could be today but they had no openings left. Dr said it could be my fibroids causing spotting or could be from intercourse yesterday morning.


Crossing fingers and toes and hoping for the best!!!!!


She sent me home and am not to go back to work until after the ultrasound tomorrow. So I'm camped out on the couch relaxing and watching tv.

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Ooh I can imagine the spotting freaked you out But it all looks good. How far are you exactly? I've heard the heart first at 13 weeks- but I know more than one story that they couldn't find the heart yet. The baby is then hiding out still behind the pelvic bone (or whatever it's called in English).


Good luck tomorrow!! Keep my fingers crossed.

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Rest all you can Chasey!!! My fibroids caused me endless issues and 3 miscarriages. I am VERY lucky to have the son I have.He is God's gift to me for sure. Do everything they tell you.You should be ok if your fibroids are not near the placenta. They can bleed because of all the hormones and they grow in pregnancy. The other thing they check for in the fetus when a woman has fibroids is fetal growth redardation.( they stop growing cause they run out of space.) They checked me weekly for that after 29 weeks. My son was born a bit small as boys go, he was 6 pounds and a bit. I guess a combination if fibroids and I could not gain any weight at all.


I think you should be ok if they watch you carefully.

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Two hours before my ultrasound.


I really hope we see that heartbeat! Laying there yesterday when the dr was trying to find it with the doppler I was just praying please please but she couldn't find it. She did say before she even tried that it might be too early. Then there's the extra "padding" I already have that could be making it harder to find. lol


Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed. Will update as soon as I can.


It was encouraging when the dr said my uterus has moved up, from what I read that happens about 12-13 weeks, so that would be right on schedule. So maybe everythings fine!

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