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Do I break NC to inform ex of potential STD?

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I got my Pap smear results today and they returned abnormal, showing LSIL. This is usually caused by HPV.


I was told to wait a year to see if it will clear up on its own, that this is common, and that the majority of the population would test positive for HPV if everyone went in for a screening. Most people don’t have symptoms and pass it along unknowingly, though I suspect the ex knew he had it.


Do I tell the ex he has HPV? This is the guy I broke up with after I learned he was with a prostitute.


From what I googled, sometimes the results are abnormal even with a negative on an HPV screening, I was not officially tested for HPV, just had a pap smear.


I am also surprised to have these results since I thought the Gardasil vaccine would prevent this kind of virus.

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From what I googled, sometimes the results are abnormal even with a negative on an HPV screening, I was not officially tested for HPV, just had a pap smear.



If you're not sure that you have HPV, don't go telling him he does. Like you said, there are many reasons your tests could be abnormal. I would think your doctor should be able to tell you if you have HPV or not because they test for it when they receive abnormal results. Call and find out.


I would guess not, given that you've taken the vaccine. (Though the vaccine only prevents the types of hpv that lead to cervical cancer, not those that lead to warts)



Have you been tested for other STDs? Herpes and other STDs can cause abnormal pap tests.

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I am also surprised to have these results since I thought the Gardasil vaccine would prevent this kind of virus.


ah.. so you took gardasil and still got hpv?

gardasil only protects from 4 out of the 100+ strains of hpv that are out there.

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