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I have what i though were bug bites...


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On my legs only. For the past 2-4 weeks though, they have come up in different spots, sometimes they hurt or itch. They usually have a white tip pustule type of thing...what can this be?


I thought it was my soap so i stopped using that about 3 weeks ago, but they are still coming up in different areas of my legs. My parents also thought it might be poison ivy so i was on steriods for a while but did not help. IDK what else to do

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Could they be hives?


You might be allergic to something that you are coming in contact with daily. We just found out that my husband was having an allergic reaction to his shampoo, and this sounds similar to what happened to him. Have you started coming in contact with anything new in the past 2-4 weeks?


I think you might want to see a doctor. If it is an allergy, you will want to find out what you are allergic to before you have a major reaction. Doctors can help determine this with an allergy test.

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Hmm. My dad had a very bizarre allergic reaction a few years ago - and nothing different had happened in his life, and they never determined what exactly he was allergic to. He suspects that there was something he came into contact with at work that set it off.


They also told him that allergic reactions get worse each time there is a reaction, so it was possible that he had been having reactions for a while before the hives and swelling showed up.


I think you should talk to the doctor. If it's not an allergic reaction, it's certainly something that needs to be addressed if it has been going on for weeks.

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