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Leaving Us With Love


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Leaving Us With Love


As you lay down to a lovely long sleep,

Still ever present in our hearts as we weep,

Dear little Kitty, looking down from above,

We know you are leaving us with love.


We shall not soon forget the warmth you spread,

Nor those soft cuddles each night as I put you to bed,

Dear little Kitty, the memories of you, forever our own,

Shall never leave this our humble home.


For many years we smiled at that twinkle in your eye,

Your soft purrs as you longed for that last piece of pie,

How you loved to stretch and play in the yard outside,

Now a permanent shrine in which your spirit shall reside.


How soon you became part of our family name,

A mother, father and a little brother, we were all the same,

Blessed we were to just know you were always there,

Our little bundle of furry joy, with everlasting fun to share.


As we awake tomorrow to a brand new day,

We will surely still feel your presence in a very unique way,

Dear little Kitty, looking down from above,

We know you are leaving us with love.

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