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I Have Fallen Out Of Love

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I think this past week has been strange. There's been a lot of conflicting emotions whizzing through my head. This day last week I felt great, truly believing I was falling out of love with my ex, and was relieved that I was out of a damaging relationship. I had let go of any hope of reconciliation because I'd realised that now the dust is settling on the new chapter in my life, I actually didn't want to go back.


It's been over 7 months since we broke up and I haven't even seen her since. I've only heard her voice briefly in that time, so in all honesty she is just a stranger to me now.


So how have I realised I'm not in love with her anymore? I wrote a song for her when we broke up. I was barely able to play it before without breaking in to tears. Now I hardly feel any emotion at all when I play it. I'm looking at pictures of her, and I really don't feel all that much. It's like looking at a stranger. Having said this, I do feel an affinity towards her, but it's definitely not the 'in love' feelings I had before. To be honest, I don't think I was still in love with her when we broke up because I had been questioning myself for about 2 months prior to our split. I only fell back in love when I lost her, wanting what I no longer had. My story is here if you want a read...




I was due to marry this girl in little over 2 weeks. Am I still sad? Yes. Do I still miss our relationship? Yes. I am still full of regrets? Kinda. I am still in love with my ex? Almost definitely not.


Onwards and upwards people!!

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Your story gives me hope. You are healing wonderfully from this relationship, and should be proud of yourself!


You're right, October 3rd is going to be a strange day for you. But after reading your story about the breakup and reading where you are now... you've come a long way. I like how you used the word "relieved" when describing how it feels to be out of the relationship. That's the feeling I am waiting to experience in my own life.


Thank you again for sharing your story. You've helped me more than you know today.

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Your story gives me hope. You are healing wonderfully from this relationship, and should be proud of yourself!


You're right, October 3rd is going to be a strange day for you. But after reading your story about the breakup and reading where you are now... you've come a long way. I like how you used the word "relieved" when describing how it feels to be out of the relationship. That's the feeling I am waiting to experience in my own life.


Thank you again for sharing your story. You've helped me more than you know today.

You're welcome Nidania. It is still hard, but I can see the sun coming up over the horizon and it has the rest of my life coming in to view along with it. Stay strong!
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i was going to post something on this.


I have been no contact with my ex for a few weeks now, initiated this time by me although there have been previous times where we each just stopped talking to eachother so it had been a rocky relationship.


All i do is think about her, at night, first thing in the morning, i mean just as i am waking up. i replay all the things that i could have done differently every day.


I just cant believe that two people so in love (and we really were for a very long time) could stop feeling that way towards each other.


She had moved on previously once but i asked for reconciliation and she accepted but she was completely closed off during that period which left me battered.


I just dont know how i am ever going to not feel like she wasnt the one. i honestly thought i would be with her forever. we had our problems sure but nothing was major and a lot of the things thinking back now were things i could have corrected (there were things she could have corrected too).


If i were to start dating again i do not know how i wouldnt compare everyone to her, she was perfect for several years and i think i was near perfect for her. she always left me notes everywhere, bought me gifts all the time for no reason. constantly showed me affection and love.


I feel like she was on a time frame that was one or two years ahead of myself. she was in love first, and she was the one who has come to terms with it ending first.


I just dont understand how she is ok with me not being in her life, and how she thinks that i will be ok with her not being in mine.


How do i come to terms with this? it is killing me

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Be very glas that you didn't do the wife and kids thing

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Kids was one thing that bugged me and probably made both of us realise that we probably weren't right for one another. I never wanted to be 'ordinary', just because society told me I had to be.
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Time, dude. That's all I can say. Even now, no one comes close to my ex. I still love her and idealise her in many ways but I did the same thing to my previous exes also, so I realise that the next serious gf is a long way off for me. I'm not going to rush anything. I'm just riding on that wave now and I'm going to see where it takes me.

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I am also in the same boat and have learned a great deal from this very painfull lesson. One thing I have learned is not to put all of my eggs in one basket. I definitely don't plan to ever get married again. I now value my friends a lot more. Nothing lasts forever and you don't usually get second chances. NC is a hard thing to do but being in contact didn't work for me.

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