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I am the sort of person who cannot help but have my life filled with drama and it does my head in. I am not sure whether I create it in my head or if I'm just really unlucky. I over analyze, worry too much and am far too sensitive, yet I am very loyal, honest and care way too much about what other people think.

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Very nice! I'm the same way, i'd rather try and show people how I feel in a less straightforward way, it's more comfortable for me that way.


Robert Frost! I loved him when I was little, that is a beautiful quote also! c:




I'd rather be like you than have nothing going on in my head at all.



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count me in


the other day I was sitting outside, it was a gorgeous day. I was staring up into the sky, amazed..wondering what is beyond it. I was staring at the clouds, and they were forming objects and creatures. Its great to just let your head wander and be imaginative.


I too also have millions of thoughts racing through my head, and tend to overthink things. But if you learn to keep things in perspective, and not let it drive you nuts, then you'll be fine. Being creative and introspective is a wonderful thing, dont ever lose that side of yourself!


In fact, more people should lie on their rooftops and just enjoy the world, the sky..take in the beauty of something that we dont even notice. As much as being introverted and anxious makes me feel lonely and unhappy at times, I worry that if I become "normal" I'll lose that creative and strange side of myself..I dont want to lose it because it makes me, me...you know?


I think you're fine, and I hope that you keep enjoying the sky


Also, this entire thread reminds me of the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are for some reason

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