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Does anyone ever..


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I'm a healthy, young, teenager.



I've never been much of a dreamer until last year.


Last year I met my love. I've never felt this way about anyone.

We were so different until we started sharing with each other how we really felt about the world.



I find myself just blanking out in school, thinking of life, theories, logic and far away make believe places.



I can just look up at the sky and just feel so uplifted.



But here's the twist.



I've always been a weird, dark little girl since I was little.


Some people think I'm strange and they dislike me.


Others think that it's a good thing, and it makes me not so 'mary-sue'ish.



I'm one of those quiet people, that aren't quiet at all on the inside.





Recently my mother thought I was depressed, I was against seeking any 'help'.


She brought me to a psychologist anyway.


Oh lookie, nothing is wrong with me. All he said was I was a little disturbed, but it was nothing to worry about.



When people first meet me, they think I'm just some pretty girl. Until they get to really talk to me, they really don't know a thing about how I am.



When I came home today, I grabbed my bag and hopped up onto my roof, as the weather was beautiful and the sun wasn't too harsh.

The light wind really made it spectacular. I could just close my eyes and I just felt so high.



I'm just so confused by my own emotions and I overthink things way too much.



Does anyone else feel this way?

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Everyday of my life...


I'm one of those people that is quiet on the surface but has a million things going through the mind at once.


Yes I'm one of those too.


Nice to know I'm not the only one!



All the time...!


Although i haven't met a person like me yet, it's nice just to know there are other people that are feeling the same. I'm really glad i found your thread..!




I kept looking, I just couldn't find a thread like this, so I just created it myself.


I don't feel so alone now, thank you for commenting!

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hahaha i am the exact same way. i would just find myself thinking about something and then my thought would break after i realize how much time just flew by. it's awesome to know that there are other people like that too. I believe that we do tend to over think things though since we seem to be thinking all the time, it becomes a hard habit to break and it can be negative sometimes

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hahaha i am the exact same way. i would just find myself thinking about something and then my thought would break after i realize how much time just flew by. it's awesome to know that there are other people like that too. I believe that we do tend to over think things though since we seem to be thinking all the time, it becomes a hard habit to break and it can be negative sometimes


Yeah it is, especially when someone is saying something important and I should be listening.


Think think think non-stop. It makes me feel crazy sometimes Dx

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It sounds like you have a fantastic imagination... have you considered taking up ways to express this? Art, music, writing, poetry? You are also appreciating the beautiful things about the world we live in... that's great!! And yes, the feeling of young love is the most amazing feeling you will ever feel. Love in itself will cause you to daydream because of all of the love chemicals in your brain. Keep dreaming honey!!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You're not weird. You are an introvert, just like me, just like millions of others...

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I am with you and I totally understand how you feel...I do the same thing with the roof. Some days when I feel that I am over thinking I also go to the roof and just continue thinking until I am back to "reality"...


I also tend to write a lot as well...I write all the things that I am thinking about ....


Thank you for making this post you are not alone....


I also

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It sounds like you have a fantastic imagination... have you considered taking up ways to express this? Art, music, writing, poetry? You are also appreciating the beautiful things about the world we live in... that's great!! And yes, the feeling of young love is the most amazing feeling you will ever feel. Love in itself will cause you to daydream because of all of the love chemicals in your brain. Keep dreaming honey!!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You're not weird. You are an introvert, just like me, just like millions of others...


Actually yes.


Drawing, singing, and writing are my past times.


I'm trying to publish a book, but I'm lacking funds so it'll just wait a bit.


People say it's bad to be introverted, but you and I and many others say otherwise.


I think being intro gives you time to examine yourself and the world around you, instead of just letting everything important pass by.



I am with you and I totally understand how you feel...I do the same thing with the roof. Some days when I feel that I am over thinking I also go to the roof and just continue thinking until I am back to "reality"...


I also tend to write a lot as well...I write all the things that I am thinking about ....


Thank you for making this post you are not alone....


I also


Oh good, I thought I was being a freak.


I heard my nosy neighbors ask my mother that one day. "Why does she do that?"


That made me laugh. c;

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Actually yes.


Drawing, singing, and writing are my past times.


I'm trying to publish a book, but I'm lacking funds so it'll just wait a bit.


People say it's bad to be introverted, but you and I and many others say otherwise.


I think being intro gives you time to examine yourself and the world around you, instead of just letting everything important pass by.



Oh good, I thought I was being a freak.

I heard my nosy neighbors ask my mother that one day. "Why does she do that?"


That made me laugh. c;


My neighbors used to do the same....one day I got so sick and tired of them looking at me like I was freak that I stood there looked down at them and said:


" No I am not going to kill myself"!! Ever since then they have left me alone...

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My neighbors used to do the same....one day I got so sick and tired of them looking at me like I was freak that I stood there looked down at them and said:


" No I am not going to kill myself"!! Ever since then they have left me alone...




That's a new thing to try.



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Seriously..I don't understand why people can't understand that sometimes people do things that are different that doesn't make us suicidal...


most people don't tolerate differences.


because the ball wont fit into the box, they will destroy the ball.

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most people don't tolerate differences.


because the ball wont fit into the box, they will destroy the ball.


Very true...but people dance to their own tune. I have always have said that my life doesn't go clockwise I am counter clock wise and quite frankly I like the fact that I am different.


I like the fact that I do things that are unique...

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Very true...but people dance to their own tune. I have always have said that my life doesn't go clockwise I am counter clock wise and quite frankly I like the fact that I am different.


I like the fact that I do things that are unique...


Wow I couldn't agree more!


I would never change myself, I like the way I am and apparently you do too c:

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Hi everyone,


It's been really great reading all the posts, this has been a very interesting thread! I'm in Sydney, Australia, and I must say I'm in accordance with the rest of you in terms of doing/thinking things that are unique and a little different. When I was in junior school I was extremely shy but I always knew I wanted to be a writer, I've submitted lots of poetry to this site too. The main reason I was/am still a little on the shy side is because I like to use my written words to express my thoughts and opinions rather than blurt them out, so I use verse and story form to convey them. Alot of my characters I base on myself. I don't think there's anything wrong with setting your own standards and following your own lead. A quote from one of my favourite writers (Robert Frost) sums it up well:


"Two roads diverged into the woods and I took the one less travelled by."

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Hi everyone,


It's been really great reading all the posts, this has been a very interesting thread! I'm in Sydney, Australia, and I must say I'm in accordance with the rest of you in terms of doing/thinking things that are unique and a little different. When I was in junior school I was extremely shy but I always knew I wanted to be a writer, I've submitted lots of poetry to this site too. The main reason I was/am still a little on the shy side is because I like to use my written words to express my thoughts and opinions rather than blurt them out, so I use verse and story form to convey them. Alot of my characters I base on myself. I don't think there's anything wrong with setting your own standards and following your own lead. A quote from one of my favourite writers (Robert Frost) sums it up well:


"Two roads diverged into the woods and I took the one less travelled by."[/QUOTE]





Very good quote I love it, sounds like all the the people who have responded to this thread...

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