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Urgently need to right a wrong.


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Okay, I don't think it's accomplishing anything to go to a bar and go "look I'm not drinking!" Since you two seem to put yourselves in harms way just by going there in the first place.


Everyone seems to have covered your drinking already. But assuming all three incidents take place in the same area next to rape alley, I'm confused as to why ILMBC suggested walking home instead of taking a taxi, and why did she start chatting up a stranger and walk away from you in the bar?

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OK... Things got worse. I thought the best way to show her I could change was to take her to a nightclub and stay sober. That way I could show her I don't need to get drunk.


It was going well until she got talking to some guy. He seemed nice enough, until he and her dissapeared from view, being responsible I moved to get a better view, that's when it happened.


I went to follow, just so I could still see her, and a load of guys claiming to be his mates blocked me (nothing against the guy himself, he seems nice)


These guys dragged me away, amd tried beating me up, I escaped but was instantly worried about ILMBC.


I phoned the police but it turns out she was OK... Still, I don't. Know what to do. I feel like I can't protect her.


This happened last night? On a Tuesday night? I don't know, something about these posts is kind of off. I've lived in big cities in the UK all my life, and have never been hassled night after night in a row like you guys. You must be very unlucky.


Maybe you guys need to stay at home and not go clubbing so often, or else develop a strategy - ILMBC and you stick together, no drinking, no chatting up strange guys who aren't friends. Given recent events, the way you two behave at night seems kind of weird to me. Why not go out for a meal or something where you can connect? If ILMBC is running accross potential rapists all time, why walk away from you in a bar with some guy she has never met before?


Sorry to sound harsh - seems like really weird behaviour to me, which is not addressing anything. Were you drinking anything last night? Or were you stone cold sober.

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Ok, my previous post was my first reaction to the OP.

Now after having read the whole thread, Jenn you are possibly still stressed out about what happened. It is natural to distance yourself from people during stress. Also, I think you are trying to keep yourself from being hurt or disappointed. If you want things to work out with Will, you have to be willing to let yourself be vulnerable again.


Try to go do something fun together. Shared laughter is a good way to build connections.

I have a feeling that you're at a mindset where you think, "This is your fault that I'm feeling this way, and you have to fix it." That's why you feel like Will needs to do something really great for you to feel better. Unfortunately, whether his fault or not, it doesn't work that way. You have to be willing to fix it too especially since they are your feelings.

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We were sober. The point was to show that I don't need to drink when I'm out. I accept, not the best idea but it seemed pretty good last night. We were bored, and were thinking we normally have a night out, when I suggested we could still have a night out.


It was a gay bar, the guy Jenn was talking to was gay and apparently a really nice guy. Don't blame her, she's allowed to get talking to people in bars, she could do with a few more friends here and in the end she herself was in no danger... It was just me, scared as to why the guys wanted me out of the picture.


What we both think happened was that some guys saw me with her and instead of assuming I was her bf, they assumed I was some straight guy who had come in to skeez on girls (ILMBC said that gay guys look out for girls and protect them from perverts in these kinds of places) and thought they would teach me a lesson, this might also be why the bouncer had no sympathy for me and some random guy also punched me after I found jenn, she was OK but because she couldn't find me she thought I'd abandoned her again and was telling the people who were looking out for her. I got a lot of verbal abuse from those people when I finally showed up. But I'm just glad she's safe.


Gonna ring the place today to see if they have CCTV.

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