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Hi guys.


I met a girl at work about a week ago. She works in another department, and I was assigned to train her for the next two weeks. She has a great personality, and I'd really like to ask her out. The first three days we connected really well (we talked about sports, hobbies, growing up, etc.), but today I was so busy that I most likely came off as angry, uptight, etc. Would sending her an email tonight asking her to grab dinner on Thursday night be bad? Or should I wait and ask her in person such as hey, what are you doing thursday night? She has mentioned places where she hasn't been, but that would require either a Sat or SUn, and I won't be here this weekend. I don't want to be put in the friend zone if I wait two weeks. Any suggestions would be appreciated deeply.

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I know you probabley don't want to hear this but here it goes anyways. Never date anyone you work with. The success rate is that of a LDR (not kidding) and if you do break up it is horrible because you still work with them. Even if it is different departments.


Up to you though

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I know you probabley don't want to hear this but here it goes anyways. Never date anyone you work with. The success rate is that of a LDR (not kidding) and if you do break up it is horrible because you still work with them. Even if it is different departments.


Up to you though


as a general rule i'd agree - but there are always exceptions.

as long as you know what could happen if it doesn't work out, and it still seems worth it to try - go for it. you never know where or when you will meet someone who is great for you.


i would wait for in person though. there's too much room for interpretation in email, that if you don't know each other well enough something can get misconstrued. also, i can't tell for sure if she is being work-friendly, or play-friendly ... email/phone/text/etc is for when you know the other person is interested as well - the first ask always hsould be in person.

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I know you probabley don't want to hear this but here it goes anyways. Never date anyone you work with. The success rate is that of a LDR (not kidding) and if you do break up it is horrible because you still work with them. Even if it is different departments.


Up to you though


I have to agree with this. I'm an HR professional and I'm just being straight when I tell you that you're headed for trouble. Even if the relationship blossoms and flourishes, many companies frown on nepotism and any kind of interoffice dating scenarios.


I won't tell you unequivocally not to, but please give this a lot of careful consideration before you take any additional steps.

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You're pushing things all too soon. If you convinced yourself that you must date her, it's probably a good idea to let her settle into her new place of employment before occupying her mind with you. It's possible that she is new to the place and is enthusiastic to connect with you in order to leave a good impression on the firm. Myself, I probably would pursue someone at work if I really liked them but I would definitely do it after a few weeks go by.

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For all those dissing the idea of dating someone from work, I sort of agree that it could lead to trouble but if you have an extremely strong connection with someone, I think it would be wise for one person to find a new job in order to salvage the relationship and safe guard it from problems. After all, the right partner is forever and jobs (especially in this day and age) come and go. But as I said before and will stress again. Don't do it too soon!

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Generally, I think that dating a co-worker is a bad idea but when they work for the same company but in another department or otherwise not immediately in close proximity to you then I think that there is enough distance between you two. Of course if the situation ends badly then there will be some blowback but you could just avoid contact with her.


I would ask her out in person, if she wants to get some dinner with you on thursday. The idea is to be direct, and avoid using passive language. If you ask a direct question then you are more likely to get a direct answer.

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